
Margo Okazawa-Rey, co-founder of East Asia-U.S.-Viecques Women's Network Against U.S. Militarism, will present a lecture, "Organizing Internationally for Women's Liberation: Gender, Race, Class and Nation," on Monday, March 3, at 7 p.m. in the Fillius Events Barn. The lecture is free and open to the public.

Okazawa-Rey has co-convened international conferences on "Women Redefining Security," in Okinawa, Washington, D.C, and most recently Seoul, Korea. Her current research examines interconnections between militarism and globalization of the economy. She is also particularly interested in the problems affecting communities of color, especially women, in the U.S and globally.

Okazawa-Rey's lecture will be followed by a dramatic reading of Aristophanes' anti-war play Lysistrata as part of the first-ever world-wide theatre event for peace. The parts of the play will be read by students and faculty in theatre, classics, English and other departments. This will be one of several hundred such readings going on all over the world on that day, for peace.

This event is sponsored by the Irwin Chair in Women's Studies, Faculty for Women's Concerns, Womyn's Center, Office for Student Multicultural Affairs, Asian Studies, Economics, Latin American Studies, Women's Studies, Amnesty International, Asian Cultural Society, Black Student Union, International Students Association, LaVanguardia and Rainbow Alliance.

For more information call 315-859-4439.

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