Haley Peterson ’11

Right out of Hamilton, Haley Peterson ’11 worked on Capitol Hill for a Vermont congressman. The summer before law school, she led a community service trip for high school students to Tanzania. It was great, but Peterson was ready for more school. “After working for a few years after graduating from Hamilton, I felt that the legal field was the place where not only I could practice my research and writing skills but also where I could make the biggest impact in the environmental field,” says Peterson, who is a law student at the University of Maryland.

She says Hamilton’s flexible world politics major enabled her to try a variety of subject areas and gain exposure to professionals in the legal field and beyond. For instance, she took an African studies class with Prudence Bushnell, a former U.S. ambassador.

“Everyone always says that Hamilton will put you apart from your peers when you graduate, especially when it comes to writing and oral presentation skills. I can honestly say that this has been so true and this is particularly true for the world politics major, which has a significant writing-intensive component,” she says.

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