Dan Horgan '18 (left), Michael Mac Bolder' Houghton '18, and Jared Mandelbaum '18 accept supplies from Kris Bellona as they volunteer at Kirkland Town Library.
Dan Horgan '18 (left), Michael Mac Bolder' Houghton '18, and Jared Mandelbaum '18 accept supplies from Kris Bellona as they volunteer at Kirkland Town Library.

All 470 members of Hamilton’s Class of 2018 got a peek at the surrounding community when they participated in the 7th annual Hamilton Serves on Aug. 27.  Students spent the morning volunteering at one of 61 local non-profit agencies.

Among sites they visited were the Utica Zoo, Kirkland Town Library, Emmaus House, Spring Farm Cares, Heritage Farm and Rome Community Art Center.

Hamilton Serves began as an Orientation activity in 2008 with the class of 2012.
Director of Community Outreach Amy James described the motivation for the event. “We like to get the idea of service embedded early so that new students will realize how easy it is to get off the hill and reach across what might seem like a ‘great divide’ between the College - way up here on the hill - and the surrounding area.”

James said that local non-profits appreciate Hamilton Serves. “Agencies love our students. They’re so glad for the help and I think pleasantly surprised when it comes to them en masse like this.”

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