  • In 2016, the New York State government implemented a financial incentive program to make electric vehicles a more affordable choice and increase their adoption. Brian Hu ’24 spent his summer studying the effectiveness of this rebate program on electric vehicle adoption.

  • Professor of Economics Derek Jones recently presented his research at conferences organized by Rutgers University and The University of Sydney.

  • Derek Jones, the Irma M. and Robert D. Morris Professor of Economics, was recently participated in the Research Workshop on Worker Representation and Corporate Governance Reform at the London School of Economics.

  • Derek Jones, the Irma M. and Robert D. Morris Professor of Economics, and Associate Professor of Economics Jeffrey Pliskin recently attended the 19th Conference of the International Association for the Economics of Participation.

  • Derek Jones, the Irma M. and Robert D. Morris Professor of Economics, presented research at a conference at the Berlin Social Science Center on June 11.

  • An article co-authored by Professors Derek Jones and Jeffrey Pliskin, and Matthew Poterba ’12 was recently published online in the Journal of Entrepreneurial and Organizational Diversity.

  • Derek Jones, the Irma M. and Robert D. Morris Professor of Economics, and Associate Professor of Economics Jeff Pliskin recently chaired sessions and presented at the 17th Conference of the International Association for the Economics of Participation (IAFEP).

  • Derek Jones, the Irma M. and Robert D. Morris Professor of Economics, and Associate Professor of Economics Jeff Pliskin co-authored a paper published in Advances in the Economic Analysis of Participatory & Labor-Managed Firms, 2013.

  • Irma M. and Robert D. Morris Professor of Economics Derek Jones presented “How employment responds to changes in assets at U.S. banks and credit unions” at the Fourth Euricse International Workshop on Cooperative Finance and Sustainable Development held June 20-21 in Trento, Italy.

  • Associate Professor of Economics Jeffrey Pliskin and Derek Jones, the Irma M. and Robert D. Morris Professor of Economics, attended the 15th World Congress of the International Association for the Economics of Participation (IAFEP) July 8-10, in Paris.


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