  • Twelve Hamilton students visited Sweden for a two-week study trip, looking at Swedish prisons, courts and policing practice. Ryan Bloom ’18 blogged about the trip. Following is her final update about a visit to border control, a police precinct and the court.

  • From providing a virtual look at India’s sacred centers to collecting oral histories in post-Hurricane Katrina New Orleans, Hamilton’s Digital Humanities Initiative (DHi) provides students an interdisciplinary — and often interactive — approach to collaborating with faculty.

  • Hamilton Professor Doran Larson’s American Prison Writing Archive project has been awarded $262,000 by the National Endowment of the Humanities (NEH), the single largest NEH grant awarded solely to a Hamilton faculty member in 17 years.

  • “I’d rather die than suffer another day as one of the obedient, silent ones,” said award-winning poet and writer Jimmy Santiago Baca during his public reading in the Chapel on March 1.

  • The Los Angeles Review of Books described Fourth City: Essays from the Prison in America as “an important work” in an Oct. 8 review titled “Locked Up in America: The Essay in the Age of Mass Incarceration.” Edited by Walcott-Bartlett Chair of Ethics and Christian Evidences Doran Larson, Fourth City is a collection of 71 essays by current and former prisoners on a wide range of topics about prison life, solicited over approximately five years.

  • Walcott-Bartlett Chair of Ethics and Christian Evidences Doran Larson delivered a paper titled "Prisoners Write the Rights-Bearing Person: Extrapolations from the American Archive," at the 2015 meeting of the Critical Legal Studies Conference in Wroclaw, Poland.

  • “Private institutions have been at the forefront of the cause since Pell funding was stripped in 1994,” Doran Larson, the Walcott-Bartlett Professor of Ethics and Christian Evidences, said in a Chronicle of Higher Education article on reaction to President Obama’s pilot program to make some prisoners eligible for Pell Grants.  

  • Five Hamilton faculty members were recognized for their research and creative successes with the Dean’s Scholarly Achievement Awards, presented by Dean of Faculty Patrick Reynolds on Class & Charter Day on May 11. The awards recognize individual accomplishment but reflect a richness and depth of scholarship and creative activity across the entire faculty.

  • Professor of English Doran Larson recently discussed the importance and value of prisoner education on  To the Point, a Public Radio International-hosted and KCRW-produced program, in a segment titled “Should we let more prisoners take college classes?” The April 24 show featured both Larson and one of his students, Attica inmate John J. Lennon whose op-ed in support of education for prisoners recently appeared in The New York Times.

  • A few days shy of the one-year anniversary of Hamilton and Colgate jointly announcing their partnership as new contributing members in the nonprofit, online learning platform edX,  two free online interactive courses led by Hamilton professors will be launched.

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