  • Gabe DeJoseph, Phoebe Duke-Mosier, Alex Hendry, and Garth Robinson — all members of the Class of 2019 — were recently inducted into Hamilton College’s chapter of Theta Alpha Kappa.

  • Religious studies majors Phoebe Duke-Mosier ’19 and Estella Brenneman ’20 recently presented at the annual meeting of the Eastern International Region of the American Academy of Religion.

  • Twelve members of the Class of 2019 were recently initiated into the Hamilton College Chapter of Sigma Xi, the international research honor society for science and engineering.

  • In his address at Hamilton’s commencement, Freeman Hrabowski, president of the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, advised graduates to “keep asking the hard questions and keep thinking of things we’ve not thought about – about social justice and inequality and seeking the truth.”

  • “He is the type of student that comes along very rarely in a professor’s career, someone who, in a quiet way, demonstrates exactly what I hold to be ‘the highest ideals of the College.’”

  • The Hamilton Chapter of Phi Beta Kappa is pleased to announce the election of the following 26 members of the class of 2019: Matthew Albino, Hannah Burrall, Joseph Caruso, Erica Chen, Charlotte Cross, Gabriel DeJoseph, Phoebe Duke-Mosier, Vincent Giuliano, Dian Guo, Christian Hansson, Grace Heller, Anne Homans, Sarah Kane, Virginia Loke, Levi Lorenzo, Eva Lynch-Comer, Clayton McCollum, Caroline Moore, Farzonai Muzaffar, William Rasenberger, Emily Steates, Casey Tobin, Risa Ulinski, Annelise Vought, William Wright, and Changjun Zhu.

  • Micaela Rostov ’19 has been awarded a Fulbright Binational Internship to Mexico, making her part of an effort to create mutual understanding between the private sectors in Mexico and the United States.

  • Women's track & field athlete Cat Berry '19 (Mansfield, Ohio/Western Reserve Academy) and men's basketball swingman Peter Hoffmann '19 (Putnam Valley, N.Y./Haldane HS) received the 2019 Jack B. Riffle Awards at Hamilton College's senior varsity athlete awards celebration on Tuesday, May 21.

  • Drew Castronovo ’19 began his Hamilton career with an Introduction to Geology Class and will soon graduate will a job inspecting sediment for L.A. Private Eyes Engineers.

  • Christina Florakis ’19 has been named the recipient of this year’s Levitt Center Post-Graduate Social Innovation Fellowship. Next year, Florakis will travel to Chios, Greece, to work on improving communication between Greek citizens and refugees. She is majoring in cognitive science, an interdisciplinary concentration of her own design that mainly combines elements of sociology and psychology.

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