  • Alan Cafruny, the Henry Platt Bristol Professor of International Affairs, gave a  lecture titled “Transatlantic Perspectives on the Crisis of the Eurozone” at the U.S. Consulate in Thessaloniki, Greece, on March 17.  The lecture was sponsored by the U.S. Consul General and the American College of Thessaloniki.

  • Professors Alan Cafruny and Ted Lehmann of the Government department have published an article in the New Left Review titled "Over The Horizon?  The United States and Iraq."  The article evaluates the retained influence of the U.S. in Iraq and the broader Gulf region in the aftermath of the troop withdrawal completed in December 2011. The piece grew out of a letter to the editor that they published in The Financial Times on Dec. 21, 2011.

  • Ten Hamilton students traveled to Montreal to participate in the McGill University Model United Nations Assembly (McMUN), which convened January 26-29.  The conference drew more than 1,300 delegates to fill 25 different committees that focused on international relations in the Information Age.

  • Alan Cafruny, the Henry Bristol Professor of International Affairs,  gave a lecture at the Department of European and International Studies at Kings College, University of London, on Oct. 18.  His talk was titled "The Global Financial Crisis and the 2012 Elections."

  • Recent turmoil and political upheaval in the Middle East have dominated the global news lately, with documentations of unrest in more than a dozen already unsteady nations. Ryan Karerat ’12, an Emerson grant recipient, is spending the summer with Henry Platt Bristol Professor of International Affairs Alan Cafruny researching the current state of U.S. foreign affairs in the Middle East.

  • Eight student delegates from Hamilton attended the European Union Simulation Conference (EuroSim) in Philadelphia from March 31-April 3. Alan Cafruny, the Henry Platt Bristol Professor of International Affairs and faculty advisor of Hamilton’s Model European Union, also attended the conference which included 166 undergraduate and graduate students from Europe and North America.

  • Alan Cafruny, the Henry Platt Bristol Professor of International Affairs, presented papers  at the International Studies Association annual convention in Montreal and at Linnaeus University in Sweden in March.

  • Alan W. Cafruny, the Henry Platt Bristol Professor of International Affairs, gave a presentation on "Europe, the Euro, and the Global Financial Crisis" at a workshop at Skidmore College on Nov. 5. The workshop was titled "After the Lisbon Treaty: Major Issues in European Union-United States Relations."

  • Alan Cafruny, the Henry Bristol Professor of International Affairs,  gave two public lectures in the UK.  He presented "The Obama Administration and the Mid-Term Elections: The Political Economy of Stagnation and Decline" at Kings College, University of London, on Oct. 13, and at Oxford Brookes University on  Oct. 14.

  • On April 26, Ambassador William Luers ’51, Linowitz Professor and keynote speaker, joined Ambassador Edward Walker Jr. ’62 and Professor Alan Cafruny for a discussion on U.S.-Iranian relations. Ambassador Luers provided an alternative view on U.S. relations with Iran that centered on more constructive communication rather than the accusatory and uncompromising policy currently employed.


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