  • Derek Jones, the Irma M. and Robert D. Morris Professor of Economics, has co-authored a paper with Colgate professor Takao Kato titled “The Impact of Teams on Output, Quality and Downtime: An Empirical Analysis Using Individual Panel Data.”

  • Derek Jones, the Irma M. and Robert D. Morris Professor of Economics, has published a chapter titled “Do Innovative Workplace Practices Foster Mutual Gains? Evidence from Croatia” in Advances in the Economic Analysis of Participatory and Labor-Managed Firms. The chapter, co-authored with Srecko Goic of the University of Split, presents results from a study of worker participation in and the benefits of innovative workplace practices such as teams, employee ownership and incentive pay at one Croatian manufacturing company.

  • Industrial and Labor Relations Review published a paper co-authored by Robert D. Morris Professor of Economics Derek Jones titled “Teams, Incentive Pay, and Productive Efficiency: Evidence From A Food-Processing Plant” in the July issue with Panu Kalmi and Antti Kauhanen.

  • Associate Professor of Economics Jeffrey Pliskin and Derek Jones, the Irma M. and Robert D. Morris Professor of Economics, attended the 15th World Congress of the International Association for the Economics of Participation (IAFEP) July 8-10, in Paris.

  • The business world is basically divided into two camps: socialism and capitalism. In socialist economies, businesses are owned and controlled by the state, and in capitalist economies, shares in ownership are traded on the public market. In his summer Levitt Fellowship research, Shichen Xu ’12 will be exploring the economic middle ground between capitalism and socialism by studying the behavior of the Mondragon Cooperatives in the Basque region of Spain.

  • Comparative Economic Studies recently published a paper co-authored by Robert D. Morris Professor of Economics Derek Jones titled Corporate Governance and Liquidity Constraints: A Dynamic Analysis. Co-authored by Bersant Hobari and Niels Mygind of the Copenhagen Business School, the study had an advance online publication date of Dec. 3.

  • Industrial Relations published a paper written by Robert D. Morris Professor of Economics Derek Jones and Helsinki School of Economics professors Panu Kalmi and Antti Kauhane. Titled ” How Does Employee Involvement Stack Up? The Effects of Human Resource Management Policies on Performance in a Retail Firm,” the article appeared online on Dec. 8 and will appear in print in the publication’s January issue.

  • “Capital Investment and Determinants of Financial Constraints in Estonia,” a paper written by Irma M. and Robert D. Morris Professor of Economics Derek Jones with Bersant Hobdari and Niels Mygind, has been published in Economic Systems (vol. 33[4] 2009).

  • Five members of the Hamilton faculty were recognized for their research and creative successes through a new series of awards presented at the 2008 Class & Charter Day on May 9. The Dean’s Scholarly Achievement Awards were instituted in three categories this year by Dean of Faculty Joe Urgo. Derek Jones, the Irma M. and Robert D. Morris Professor of Economics, received the Career Achievement Award; Associate Professor of Mathematics Debra Boutin was awarded Early Career Achievement; and Assistant Professor of Sociology Stephen Ellingson, Associate Professor of English Naomi Guttman and Associate Professor of History Lisa Trivedi all received the Notable Year Achievement awards.

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