  • Assistant Professor of Government Ted Lehmann gave a paper titled “Strategic Minerals and Great Power Rivalry” at the International Studies Association annual conference in San Francisco on April 4.  In the paper, Lehmann examined the relationship between strategic minerals, including rare earth elements and oil, and great power strategic relations.

  • Alan Cafruny, Henry Bristol Professor of International Affairs, and Ted Lehmann, assistant professor of government, contributed to the recently published Exploring the Global Financial Crisis, volume 18. It is part of the series Advances in International Political Economy, edited by Cafruny and Herman Schwartz (University of Virginia) under the sponsorship of the International Studies Association (Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2013).

  • Professors Alan Cafruny and Ted Lehmann of the Government department have published an article in the New Left Review titled "Over The Horizon?  The United States and Iraq."  The article evaluates the retained influence of the U.S. in Iraq and the broader Gulf region in the aftermath of the troop withdrawal completed in December 2011. The piece grew out of a letter to the editor that they published in The Financial Times on Dec. 21, 2011.

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