  • Professor of Chinese Hong Gang Jin gave a workshop on CFL Classroom Elicitation and Teachers' Questioning Strategies at Arizona State University on Sept. 18. The workshop was jointly sponsored by ASU's Chinese Language Flagship Program, the ASU Chinese Program, the ASU Confucius Institute, and the Chinese School of Greater Phoenix Area.

  • Professor of Chinese Hong Gang Jin presented a paper and chaired a panel at the 9th International Conference of Chinese Scholars Association on Teaching Chinese as a Second Language in December. Her paper was titled "Task complexity and its effect on triggering negotiation of meaning" and the panel she chaired was on Second Language Research and Pedagogical Innovation. 

  • Hong Gang Jin, the William R. Kenan Professor of East Asian Languages and Literatures, will serve as president of the National Council of Less Commonly Taught Languages (NCOLCTL) for 2008-2009 and 2009-2010. She was previously vice-president. Jin will work with an executive board of seven members and 18 delegate assembly representatives of different language associations.

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