  • The sequence of events lined up perfectly. In July, Charlotte Carstens ’16 finished up a five-month fellowship at the German Bundestag in Berlin just in time to begin a two-year master’s program in German and European studies at Georgetown University’s Walsh School of Foreign Service.

  • Keenan Burton ’16 discovered his love for French in high school; in College he glimpsed how much further he could go. Now he’s a student in a French doctoral program.

  • Diana Escorcia ’20 is learning isiXhosa, and it’s maybe the most exciting thing so far about her semester abroad in South Africa

  • As the semester wound down, students in the fall 2018 Hamilton Adirondack Program participated in a ceramics workshop at Craigardan where they got to learn how to sculpt and throw clay. The workshop was led by resident artists with Michele Drozd, co-founder and executive director of Craigardan.

  • In the final event of the Fall 2018 Washington D.C Program, Nathaniel Hurd ’99 met with the students on the program and recounted how his research at Hamilton led him to his current career.

  • Two students journeyed off the Hill and off the continent to travel as invited guests to the Latin American Council of Social Sciences (CLASCO) in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Savannah Kelly ‘21 and Kayla Self ‘21 spent Thanksgiving recess at the conference with support from the Kirkland Endowment.

  • Jared Belsky ’19 presented joint research at the 117th Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association in San Jose, Calif., — and won an award for the work about winegrowers in Umbria, Italy.

  • When I arrived at the Mountain House for the Hamilton Academic Program in the Adirondacks on Aug. 20, it was with the thought that it was only one semester away. But now it has become so much more. I will be living in the Adirondacks for my spring semester, as I take a leave of absence. I have found both a job and a new internship, along with a place to live, all through connections I made while doing this program. Next spring, I will have a full-time job at Dogwood Bread Company, one of my current internships. I have also been fortunate to find an internship with ADK Action through one of our Common Experience Seminar guest speakers.

  • Hamilton’s New York City Program recently traveled to Midtown for a visit and presentation from the Municipal Art Society of New York. The Municipal Art Society (MAS) is a nonprofit organization that focuses on preserving legacy spaces, engaging in thoughtful city planning and design, and fostering inclusive neighborhoods across New York City. The presentation centered on MAS’s on-going project, the Accidental Skyline and their most recent report, A Tale of Two Rezonings: Taking a Harder Look at CEQR (City Environmental Quality Review), which debuted on Nov. 8.

  • Students on Hamilton College’s DC Program recently went to Rosslyn, Va., to meet with a group of Hamilton alums who work at Deloitte, a multinational professional services company.

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