  • The New York City program made the most of recent spring weather, taking a trip to Columbia University’s campus to get lunch from the row of Chinese, Korean and Thai food trucks in front of the campus’ main gates. The food trucks near Columbia reflect the university’s changing demographics.

  • Six Hamilton students are spending their Spring Break in Kyoto, Japan, as part of a Japanese Studies class with Professor Kyoko Omori. The students spend their mornings taking Japanese lessons at Doshisha University and their afternoons visiting famous landmarks throughout Kyoto and Southern Japan. Linh Do ’18 provides the latest blog about the group’s time in Japan.

  • Hamilton’s Program in New York City visited the Museum of Food and Drink (MOFAD) in Williamsburg. MOFAD’s current exhibit, “Chow: Making the Chinese American Restaurant,” dovetails neatly with the NYC program’s food-focused curriculum, which emphasizes the impact of immigration on the development of American cuisine.

  • The 14 students taking part in the New York City Program this spring began their semester with a whirlwind tour of the art, food, history and culture that New York City has to offer. The program, directed this semester by Professor of English and Creative Writing Naomi Guttman, is titled “Eating the Big Apple: Global Food and Food-writing in New York City.”

  • As Washington prepared for the presidential inauguration last week, students on Hamilton’s Program in Washington, D.C., settled in for the semester and began internships working on The Hill, as well as at various NGOs and lobbying groups.

  • Five Hamilton juniors have been awarded Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarships for study abroad in the spring 2017 semester. Recipients are Natasha Espinosa, Daiyan Hossain, Kalvin Nash, Kureem Nugent and Chidera Onyeoziri.

  • Students participating in the New York City (NYC) Program this fall had the opportunity to see what goes behind the world’s biggest social network when they visited Facebook’s New York City headquarters on Dec. 7.

  • Students participating in the Fall 2016 New York City (NYC) Program attended a speech delivered by Stanley Fischer, vice chair of the Federal Reserve, at the Economic Club of New York (ECNY) meeting in October.

  • Students in Hamilton’s Academic Year in Spain (HCAYS) program visited Barcelona Nov. 4-6. The students explored the city and experienced firsthand its strong sense of identity and uniqueness.

  • Students in the Hamilton in France program recently traveled to the Alsace region to visit Strasbourg, the capital, and a number of picturesque villages.

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