  • Heidi Ravven, professor of religious studies, has published “Rethinking Moral Agency via the New Brain Sciences and Spinoza” in American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience (AJOB Neuroscience). Volume 3, Issue 3:3.  July-September 2012.

  • Heidi M. Ravven, professor of religious studies, recently published an essay titled "Maimonides' Non-Kantian Moral Psychology: Maimonides and Kant on the Garden of Eden."  The essay appears in a volume of The Journal of Jewish Thought & Philosophy devoted to 'The Kant-Maimonides Constellation" (volume 20, number 2, 2012).

  • Professor of Religious Studies Heidi M. Ravven was an invited participant in a panel discussion with Thomas Szasz on May 30 at the meeting of the American Psychoanalytic Association Study Group at Upstate Medical Center Department of Psychiatry in Syracuse, N.Y.  

  • At the invitation of Professor Ursula Goldbaum, Heidi M. Ravven, professor of religious studies, was appointed to a dissertation committee of the Philosophy Department of Emory University.  Ravven evaluated the dissertation, "Determinism, Freedom, and Ethics: Spinozistic Interventions in the Contemporary Discussions of Responsibility" of Christopher Ryszard Kluz, for the Ph.D. in philosophy.

  • Professor of Religious Studies Heidi M. Ravven commented on a panel discussion, “Applying the Neuroscience of Morality,” during a conference held March 30 - April 1 at New York University’s Center for Bioethics.  

  • Heidi M. Ravven, professor of religious studies, delivered an invited keynote plenary address at the Third International Multi-Conference on Complexity, Informatics and Cybernetics, held in Orlando, Fla., on March 25 - 28.  Her address was titled “'The I That Is We’: Rethinking Moral Agency in Terms of Nested Complex Adaptive Systems.”

  • Heidi M. Ravven, professor of religious studies, presented a paper and a poster at the International Neuroethics Society annual meeting in Washington, D.C., on Nov. 10 and 11.

  • Professor of Religious Studies Heidi M. Ravven has been appointed to the Cabinet of Freedom, the governing board of the National Abolition Hall of Fame and Museum (NAHOF) in Peterboro, N.Y.

  • Professor of Religious Studies Heidi M. Ravven gave an extended introduction of renowned neuroscientist Jaak Panksepp at his lecture to the Psychiatry Department and the Psychoanalytic Interest Group of Upstate Medical University on Sept. 14 in Syracuse, N.Y.

  • Heidi M. Ravven, professor of religious studies, gave an invited paper at the symposium, Spinoza: Feminist Perspectives/Aspects of Embodiment: The Madeline Renee Turkeltaub Memorial Symposium on Ethics on Feb. 7 at American University.

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