  • On Dec. 2, students in the Washington Program were hosted at the World Bank by Hasan Tuluy P’08, vice president for human resources. At lunch Mr. Tuluy briefed the group on the history, mission, organization, and strategy of the bank. Drawing on his experience as a development economist, he also discussed careers in the field and the value of a liberal arts education.

  • After a briefing at the Office of the Inspector General of the Department of Justice in Rosslyn, Va., on Nov. 18, students in the Program in Washington D.C. traveled to the bowels of 1401 Wilson Ave. to visit the space 32D, the spot where “Deep Throat,” later identified as Mark Felt, met with Bob Woodward during the Washington Post’s investigation of the Watergate scandal.

  • On November 4, students in the Washington Program met with Stuart Ingis ’93 and the Honorable Birch Bayh, partners of Venable LLP. A nationally recognized expert in Internet law, Ingis represents clients in federal privacy and Internet-related legislation and rulemaking proceedings.

  • After a recent morning seminar discussing the first 100 days of the presidency of Franklin Roosevelt, students in the Washington Program spent the afternoon exploring the New Deal.

  • On the evening of October 14, students in the Program in Washington were welcomed into the office of Williams and Jensen, a leading government affairs law firm, for a presentation on politics and lobbying by principals George Baker ’74 and Frank Vlossak ’89.

  • On October 7, students in the Program in Washington had the rare opportunity to see the Supreme Court at work. They were in the Court for oral argument in Reed Elsevier v. Mutchnick.

  • Students in the Program in Washington traveled to Arlington National Cemetery on Sept. 23. The group visited the graves of John F. Kennedy, Robert F. Kennedy, and Edward M. Kennedy, witnessed the changing of the guard at the Tomb of the Unknowns, and toured Arlington House, the home of Robert E. Lee that was built by his father-in-law George Washington Parke Custis, the stepson of George Washington.

  • Students in the Program in Washington took time out to enjoy an evening of the national pastime on September 22. The Nationals lost a squeaker to the Los Angeles Dodgers, 14-2, but a good time was had by all. Here the group watches Washington’s Adam Dunn crush his 38th homerun, into the Nationals bullpen.

  • Students in the Program in Washington D.C. met last week with Marc Elias '90, partner in Perkins Coie LLP. Elias, a nationally recognized expert in election and campaign finance law, served as general counsel for the Kerry for President Campaign in 2004 and represented Al Franken in the recount of the Minnesota Senate election.

  • Charlotte Olcay '10 and Brandon Leibsohn '10, who are interning in the House of Representatives, participated in a luncheon sponsored by the Century Council to discuss the issue of underage drinking on April 23. The featured speakers at the luncheon were Washington Wizards NBA star Antawn Jamison and Olympic Gold volleyball player Misty May Treanor.

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