  • On February 22, students in the Semester in Washington Program met with Timothy Nussbaum ’07, Northern Virginia operations coordinator for the George Allen for U.S. Senate campaign. Previously, Nussbaum had served as senior research assistant for the Fred Thompson for President campaign in 2008 and as executive assistant to the president of George Allen Strategies LLC.

  • On Feb. 15, students in the Program in Washington met with Michael McCurry P ’13, co-chair of the Commission on Presidential Debates. CPD was established in 1987 to sponsor and produce debates for the United States presidential and vice presidential candidates and to undertake research and educational activities relating to the debates.

  • For students in the Semester in Washington Program, variety is the spice of political life. A diverse group of these students—conservative, liberals and the curious—chose to attend the  39th annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) that took place February 9-11.

  • Students in Hamilton’s Program in Washington, D.C., visited the American Enterprise Institute this week and met with Steven Hayward, the F. K. Weyerhaeuser Fellow.  Hayward writes on a wide range of public policy issues and is the author of the Almanac of Environmental Trends, and many books on environmental topics.

  • On February 1, students in the Semester in Washington Program met with George Baker ’74 and Frank Vlossak ’89, principals at Williams and Jensen PLLC. Williams and Jensen is one of the nation's leading, independently owned government affairs law firms.

  • Although the co-curricular program of the Semester in Washington focuses primarily on meetings and networking with policy makers and shapers, students also explore the cultural assets of the nation’s capital.

  • Sixteen sophomores and juniors have begun the spring 2012 Semester in Washington, which combines academic seminars, independent research and internships. Internships this semester include the House, Senate, Department of Justice, Republican National Committee, and a variety of thinks tanks, consulting firms and non-profits. The Semester in Washington also has a rich co-curricular program, including meetings with those who make and influence policy and excursions to take advantage of Washington’s educational and cultural assets.

  • Students in the Semester in Washington Program visited the Department of State, hosted by Foreign Service Officer Ketura Brown ’04 on Dec. 7.  Brown discussed careers in the foreign service and her own journey from Hamilton College, where she participated in the Semester in Washington Program, to the Carter Center at Emory University to the Fletcher School of Tufts University to the State Department.

  • Students in the Program in Washington attended a working lunch at the World Bank hosted by Hasan Tuluy P ’08 on Dec. 1. Currently the World Bank Group’s vice president for human resources, Tuluy will become vice president for Latin America and the Caribbean in January.

  • Students in the Semester in Washington Program met with U.S. Representative Richard Hanna of New York’s 24th District on Oct. 12. Rep. Hanna fielded a variety of questions from the group about his experiences as a new member of the House of Representatives and about the issues confronting the 112th Congress.


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