  • Photographer Rhona Bitner, who is featured in the exhibition “A Sense of Place” at the Ruth and Elmer Wellin Museum of Art, will discuss her work on Wednesday, Oct. 9, at 4:15 p.m., at the Wellin Museum. The event is free, open to the public and presented in conjunction with the French department.

  • Visiting the latest exhibit at the Ruth and Elmer Wellin Museum of Art is akin to stepping into a strange and unfamiliar world. The installment, titled “You Can Fall: The War of the Mourning Arrows” (An Introduction to the Americas and a Requiem for Willem Ferdinand), features the work of Los Angeles-based artist Frohawk Two Feathers. On Sept. 28, Two Feathers presented a gallery walkthrough of his exhibit, which was curated by Mary Birmingham, curator of the Visual Arts Center of New Jersey.

  •  “A Sense of Place” and “Frohawk Two Feathers - You Can Fall: The War of the Mourning Arrows (An Introduction to the Americas and a Requiem for Willem Ferdinand)” opened on Sept. 28 at the Ruth and Elmer Wellin Museum of Art.

  • “A CLEAR VIEW - The Wellin Museum of Art creates a new model for the university museum," an eight-page article published in the September/October issue of Museum Magazine, offers a glowing review of the museum, its staff and its programming. An article that appeared in the August issue of Interior Design magazine, “Edifying Edifices - College museums can teach much more than art history,” also celebrated the Wellin Museum.

  • This summer, Mackenzie Leavenworth ’15 is living the dream of any classics major. With funding from an Emerson Foundation grant, she is working on an excavation in Gournia, Greece. In addition to uncovering information about the ancient site, she has the opportunity to explore Greece, undoubtedly making her the envy of many of her classmates.

  • Alumnus Walter Cronkite IV will appear on MSNBC’s Morning Joe program, also on Thursday, July 11, to discuss Cronkite's War: His World War II Letters Home which he co-authored with Professor of History Maurice Isserman. The segment is scheduled to air at 7:40 a.m. Tracy Adler, Ruth and Elmer Wellin Museum of Art director, will talk with WAMC's The Roundtable host Joe Donahue about the museum and its current and future exhibitions. on Thursday, July 11, at 10:35 a.m.

  • Metropolis, Hyperallergic and BOMB magazine’s BOMBLOG have featured articles focused on Dannielle Tegeder’s solo exhibition, “Dannielle Tegeder: Painting in the Extended Field,” at the Ruth and Elmer Wellin Museum of Art within the last week.

  • Faculty Art Show 2013, an exhibition highlighting artwork from the art faculty at Hamilton College, opens at the Ruth and Elmer Wellin Museum of Art on Thursday, June 6, and runs through Sunday, July 28.

  • The Ruth and Elmer Wellin Museum of Art presents Dannielle Tegeder’s first solo museum exhibition, “Dannielle Tegeder: Painting in the Extended Field.” Tegeder is an abstract painter from New York City, and draws her inspiration from urban systems, architecture, data, infrastructure and geography.

  • In advance of the opening of Dannielle Tegeder: Painting in the Extended Field at the Ruth and Elmer Wellin Museum of Art, a video highlighting her work and exhibition was featured on the front page of artdaily.org on April 17. An abstract painter based in New York City, Tegeder’s work challenges the boundaries of traditional painting through the integration of animation, sculpture, installation, photography, and sound. The video was created by Hamilton junior Ben Salzman.

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