  • Visiting Associate Professor of Religious Studies S. Brent Plate was featured in an article in the Deseret News National Edition  titled “How religious art makes secular museums into sacred spaces,” published on Jan. 3. Two sacred objects from the Wellin Museum of Art, an Austrian Schwaz Nativity and a pre-Columbian seated funerary urn, were also displayed prominently in the article.

  • The Times of India featured an upcoming Wellin Museum exhibition, “Refocusing the Lens:Pranlal Patel’s Photographs of Women at Work in Ahmedabad,”  in an article that provided both an overview of the show and a review of the 104-year-old Patel’s lengthy career. The Times of India is the most widely read English newspaper in India and has among the highest circulation rates of English dailies worldwide.

  • With 10 days remaining before the Ruth and Elmer Wellin Museum of Art’s fall exhibitions close, undoubtedly there will be those who wish they had toured the museum earlier and whose schedule now precludes a visit.

  • The Ruth and Elmer Museum of Art was included in a Dec. 9 ARTnews article titled “Title Fights: How Museums Name Their Shows.” The article addressed the complex process of choosing a name for an exhibition that typically involves curators, directors and, sometimes, publicists.

  • The Ruth and Elmer Wellin Museum of Art welcomed more than 200 7th and 8th grade students from Holland Patent Central School during November. The visit was organized by Holland Patent art teacher Karen Deuel-Spine, Megan Austin, Wellin Museum manager of educational programming and outreach, and Amber Spadea, school and family educator.

  • The Ruth and Elmer Wellin Museum of Art will screen Omer Fast’s film “5,000 Feet is the Best” (2011), on Wednesday, Dec. 4, at 4:15 p.m., in the Overlook at the Wellin Museum.

  • Crispin Paine, a London-based museums and heritage consultant, will deliver a lecture on the display of sacred objects in a museum context on Wednesday, Nov. 20, at 7:30 p.m., in the Overlook of the Ruth and Elmer Wellin Museum of Art.  His lecture is the first installment in a series titled “Exhibiting the Sacred” and is free and open to the public.

  • On Nov. 14, artist Jade Townsend gave a talk to the Hamilton College community, discussing a number of the installations, sculptures and drawings he has created throughout his career.

  • The Wellin Museum of Art welcomed 40 local teachers from nine school districts for An Evening of Art for Educators on Oct. 3. The event provided student docent-guided tours of the museum along with lesson plans related to its current exhibitions, A Sense of Place and Frohawk Two Feathers: You Can Fall.

  • Associate Professor of History Lisa Trivedi and Assistant Professor of Art Robert Knight took their classes (History 370 and Art 370) on a field trip to the Eastman Museum in Rochester and to Light Work in Syracuse on Oct. 3. 


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