  • Household names like Tina Fey, Steve Carell, Amy Poehler, and Stephen Colbert are just a few notable pat members of the Chicago improv group The Second City. This summer, Ben Leit ’22 will be studying comedy in a program hosted by this very group, in conjunction with Columbia College Chicago.

  • Upon their retirement, Hamilton professors are recognized in the program distributed at Commencement. Because the pandemic prevented an in-person event in 2000, this spring's program featured all 14 faculty members who retired over the past two academic years.

  • Investigative reporters Kathleen “Kat” McGrory ’05 and Neil Bedi of the Tampa Bay Times were honored with a Pulitzer Prize in the Local Reporting category for a series on a powerful sheriff whose secretive operations harassed Pasco County, Fla., residents.

  • Recent Hamilton graduate Amari Leigh ’21 presented her honors thesis, “Hashtagging Repression: Stigmatization, Social Media, and the Women’s Movement In Brazil,” at a virtual Harvard University conference.

  • David Solomon ’84, chairman and chief executive officer of Goldman Sachs, has been unanimously elected to serve as chair of the Hamilton College Board of Trustees, effective July 1.

  • “We are responsible for 11,700 tons of carbon in the atmosphere every year,” said Brian Hansen, Hamilton’s director of environmental protection, safety, and sustainability. The reduction of this imposing number, which stands between the College and its goal of carbon neutrality, is being approached from a variety of angles, among them, switching energy systems from fossil fuels to greener sources.

  • Erica Ivins ’21, who studies history and archaeology, seeks to understand where she and the systems around her come from.

  • President David Wippman recently announced the appointment of four Hamilton faculty members to endowed chairs. All will be effective July 1, 2021. Tina Hall was appointed the Christian A. Johnson Professor of Teaching Excellence; Lydia Hamessley was awarded the Eugene R. Tobin Distinguished Professorship; Doran Larson was named the Edward North Chair of Greek and Greek Literature; and Quincy Newell was appointed the Walcott-Bartlett Chair of Ethics and Christian Evidences.

  • Hamilton College has received a $400,000 grant from the Fred L. Emerson Foundation of Auburn, N.Y., to use as seed funding for a new advising and learning program the College will launch in 2021-22.

  • Ty Seidule, a military historian and the College’s inaugural Chamberlain Fellow, advised Hamilton’s 484 graduates never to stop learning and striving to achieve the College’s motto, Know Thyself. “Know your own history. Know your community’s history. … Keep questioning. Because that is really the only way to know thyself


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