  • From coups to COVID-19, faculty, staff, and students have presented their views and expertise in major news outlets throughout the year addressing myriad topics reflecting the breadth of their research.

  • Major national and regional news organizations regularly interview Hamilton faculty, staff, and students for their expertise and perspectives on current events, and to feature programs and activities on campus.

  • President David Wippman sent out his annual holiday greeting, and at the same time sought some advice on what exactly to do with a gift he received. Watch the video to see what other members of the Hamily suggest!

  • “… tenure remains essential to the core mission of higher education: the creation, preservation and dissemination of knowledge, without fear or favor,” write President David Wippman and his co-author Cornell Professor Glenn Altschuler in their most recent essay in Inside Higher Ed.

  • Major national and regional news organizations regularly interview Hamilton faculty, staff, and students for their expertise and perspectives on current events, and to feature programs and activities on campus.

  • Critical thinking requires the freedom to take ideas wherever they lead, as well as a willingness to consider opposing viewpoints and re-examine one’s own assumptions,” writes President David Wippman, co-author of “How Colleges Can Counter ‘Cancel Culture’” in Inside Higher Ed.

  • Major national and regional news organizations regularly interview Hamilton faculty, staff, and students for their expertise and perspectives on current events, and to feature programs and activities on campus.

  • “Presenting the past or the present only and always in a favorable light does an enormous disservice to students, teachers and the truth,” writes President David Wippman, co-author of “When books are banned, 'education is impoverished, and everyone loses'" in The Hechinger Report.

  • Major national and regional news organizations regularly interview Hamilton faculty, staff, and students for their expertise and perspectives on current events, and to feature programs and activities on campus.

  • Hamilton College President David Wippman and Glenn Altschuler, the Thomas and Dorothy Litwin Professor of American Studies at Cornell University, address the challenge of balancing safety with a normal college experience in an op-ed published in Inside Higher Education on Aug. 19.


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