  • Recent Hamilton graduate Leide Cabral ’11 has an impressive background in community service, and has especially contributed to the fight against educational inequality. Cabral, who graduated with a degree in mathematics, has recently begun work in Boston with the Young People’s Project (YPP), an organization that develops students from traditionally marginalized populations as learners, teachers and leaders for the future.

  • With a plethora of positive experiences working in development, Nick Stagliano ’11 knew that he wanted to go into fundraising after he graduated from Hamilton. Stagliano says that he’s lucky to have found the perfect job—his new position in the development office at The Juilliard School in New York City blends perfectly his passion for fundraising with his love for performance art and higher education.

  • The Levitt Center has recently published the spring 2011 edition of Insights, the academic journal that features the best undergraduate social science research papers written by Hamilton students.

  • Sam McNerney '11, who has recently begun a career in science journalism, has written an article titled “Confirmation Bias and Art” that was published July 17 on Scientific American’s guest blog.  The article discusses the tendency of humans to look for what confirms their beliefs and ignore what contradicts them—confirmation bias.

  • Theresa Allinger ’11, a geosciences major, presented a poster on her senior thesis research “Antarctic Deep Sea Corals as Paleoceanographic Proxies for Warm Water Upwelling” at the recent International Symposium on Antarctic Earth Sciences held at the University of Edinburgh. Her participation was supported by the J. W. Johnson Family Professorship stipend and the National Science Foundation through Eugene Domack, the J.W. Johnson Family Professor of Geosciences.

  • Internships can be invaluable for students speculating about their futures; not only do internships offer an impressive boost to a student’s résumé, they also provide windows into the career world so that students can get a grasp on what types of job would be right or wrong for them.

  • Drew Christ '11 recently discussed the results of his senior thesis at the National Snow and Ice Data Center at the University of Colorado, Boulder.  His short talk was related to the annual data meeting of the LARISSA working group. One of the highlights of the discussion was the recognition that Christ’s work has defined for the first time the precise chronology for glacial advance during the Little Ice Age in glaciers of the Graham Land coast, Antarctic Peninsula, which took place between AD 1110 and AD 1690.

  • During the summer of 2011, 13 students from Hamilton College and Selkirk College will attend a six-week intensive archaeology field immersion course in the prehistory, history, ethnography and language of the indigenous peoples of the interior Pacific Northwest.

  • Bret Lineberry ’11 found success in the post-graduate job search largely thanks to a valuable connection with a Hamilton alumnus. A May graduate with a degree in economics and world politics,  she’ll soon begin working in finance for General Electric in Atlanta.

  • While LGBTQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer) subjects are a hot topic, many people remain unaware of the experiences of this community.  LGBTQ sensitivity is a major issue for middle and high schools, colleges and universities, businesses and organizations around the country and many do not know where and how to start addressing these issues.  Recent graduate Megan Bolger '11 has founded an organization, Pride For All, in order to provide educational services and information on this topic.


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