  • When Assistant Professor of Biology Cynthia Downs was awarded a Christian A. Johnson Teaching Enhancement award in November 2015, she used the grant to upgrade and expand the vertebrate physiology-teaching lab and offer students high-tech approaches to study aerobic fitness.

  • Professor of English Emerita Patricia O'Neill presented her work on "Poetry and Computers" at the National Humanities Center in June. The week-long institute gathered scholars from the United States and Europe to review projects and methodologies in digital humanities

  • During the week of July 11, Maurice Isserman, the Publius Virgilius Rogers Professor of American History, published an opinion piece on the Reuters wire service comparing the national turbulence of 1968 to today’s unrest. He was also quoted in The Hindu’s Thread opinion blog on socialism and the presidential campaign, and penned an essay on the influence of party platforms in the 20th century for In These Times, a monthly non-profit magazine and online publication.

  • Pat Reynolds, the Stone Professor of Natural History, spent July 1 at the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History in Washington D.C. helping with outreach for International Polychaete Day.

  • Frank Anechiarico ’71, the Maynard-Knox Professor of Government and Law, was invited to address delegates to the Third Annual Conference on Governance, Crime and Justice Statistics in Merida, Mexico, June 5-10. The meeting was sponsored by the United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime.

  • The entire spring issue of the Journal of the Philosophy of Sports, the publication of the International Association for the Philosophy of Sport, has been dedicated to Professor of Philosophy Emeritus Robert Simon’s scholarship on philosophy and sports.

  • Beginning with his submission published in Vox titled The easiest way to guess if someone supports Trump? Ask if Obama is a Muslim, Professor of Government Philip Klinkner’s research has been referenced in articles in Salon, Fusion, New York Magazine, The Washington Post, The Guardian and DailyKos and in an MSNBC broadcast.

  • The Library Journal, a major publication for libraries across the country, recently gave Continental Divide – A History of American Mountaineering by Maurice Isserman, the Publius Virgilius Rogers Professor of American History, a starred review.

  • “You can ask just one simple question to find out whether someone likes Donald Trump more than Hillary Clinton: Is Barack Obama a Muslim? If the answer is yes, 89 percent of the time that person will have a higher opinion of Trump than Clinton.” So began an analysis of results from the 2016 American National Election Study (ANES) pilot survey by James S. Sherman Professor of Government Philip Klinkner published by Vox on June 2.

  • Dan Chambliss,  the Eugene M. Tobin Distinguished Professor of Sociology, and Christopher Takacs ’05 were recently keynote speakers at the “NoName Facilities Conference” held at the University of Maryland, where they spoke on “How College Works for Students: And How Architecture Makes It Better or Worse.” The conference was a gathering of architects, campus planners and higher education facilities managers. 


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