  • The Journal of Conflict Resolution has published a paper by Assistant Professor of Government Erica De Bruin titled Preventing Coups d’état – How Counterbalancing Works on March 7.

  • The Institute for Advanced Studies (IAS) in Princeton, N.J., awarded Associate Professor of History John Eldevik a one-semester membership in the School of Historical Studies for the spring 2018 term. He also recently received a DAAD research grant.

  • Praised by The Wall Street Journal, the Natural History Magazine and the Library Journal, among others, “Continental Divide – a History of American Mountaineering,” has been released by W.W. Norton in paperback. A National Outdoor Book Award honorable mention recipient, the book, written by Professor of History Maurice Isserman, has been excerpted in publications including The Alpinist and The Oregonian.

  • New York Times quoted Professor of Economics Paul Hagstrom and referenced his research focused on refugees in a Feb. 22 article in the Times titled “A Surprising Salve for New York’s Beleaguered Cities: Refugees.”

  • Following the donation of an atomic absorption spectrometer last summer, ICON, plc, has again added to the instrumentation capability of the Taylor Science Center.

  • Superhero Costumes Come to Parents' Rescue, a Feb. 8 Wall Street Journal article, featured a recent study by Assistant Professor of Psychology Rachel White titled The “Batman Effect”: Improving Perseverance in Young Children.

  • A New York 6 (NY6) consortium faculty group has been planning a conference at Hamilton for April 7-9 that has become acutely relevant in recent days.

  • Assistant Professor of Religious Studies Abhishek Amar recently presented a paper titled “Heritage and History-Making in Gaya Region” at the Heritage in Context: Balancing the Global with the Local conference in New Delhi, India. He also published an article in an edited volume titled Bodhgaya: Impressions within and Beyond.

  • Titled “Russian elites are more expansionist, militaristic, and anti-American than at any point since 1993,” an analysis published in the Washington Post’s blog, The Monkey Cage, by Associate Professor of Government Sharon Werning Rivera affirms the article’s title.  The July 22 piece was written by Rivera with students in her Levitt Research Group – James Bryan ’16, Emma Raynor ’18, and Hunter Sobczak ’17.

  • Katherine H. Terrell, associate professor of English literature and creative writing, presented work at two conferences in the U.K. in July. At the Leeds International Medieval Congress she presented research on the Middle English romance Richard Coeur de Lion, which she is currently translating for Broadview. At the New Chaucer Society Congress in London, Terrell presented a poster titled "Chaucer in Scotland: Networks of Transmission."

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