  • Visiting Associate Professor of Religious Studies S. Brent Plate was featured in an article in the Deseret News National Edition  titled “How religious art makes secular museums into sacred spaces,” published on Jan. 3. Two sacred objects from the Wellin Museum of Art, an Austrian Schwaz Nativity and a pre-Columbian seated funerary urn, were also displayed prominently in the article.

  • The Times of India featured an upcoming Wellin Museum exhibition, “Refocusing the Lens:Pranlal Patel’s Photographs of Women at Work in Ahmedabad,”  in an article that provided both an overview of the show and a review of the 104-year-old Patel’s lengthy career. The Times of India is the most widely read English newspaper in India and has among the highest circulation rates of English dailies worldwide.

  • S. Brent Plate, visiting associate professor of religious studies, wrote an essay published on Dec. 12 on the Religion Dispatches site titled “Religion without God: ‘Cults,’ Pious Atheists, and Our Own Human Bodies.”

  • On Feb. 1 of next semester, the Wellin Museum of Art will showcase two very special exhibitions side-by-side: In Context: The Portrait in Contemporary Photographic Practice, and Refocusing the Lens: Pranlal Patel’s Photographs of Women at Work in Ahmedabad. What makes these exhibitions so special is that they will represent the culmination of two semester-long interdisciplinary courses that have been co-taught by Assistant Professor of Art Robert Knight and Associate Professor of History Lisa Trivedi.

  • Associate Professor of English and Creative Writing Tina May Hall has been awarded a $25,000 National Endowment for the Arts Creative Writing Fellowship. She was one of 38 recipients chosen from a field of more than 1300 applications.

  • The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation has awarded Hamilton College a second $800,000 grant for its Digital Humanities Initiative (DHi). DHi is a research and teaching collaboration in which new media and computing technologies are used to promote humanities-based research, scholarship and teaching – including curriculum development – across the liberal arts.  The Mellon Foundation awarded the DHi its first grant in 2010.

  • Assistant Professor of Religious Studies Abhishek Amar organized a panel titled "Transformations and Reconfigurations of Sacred Sites in South Asia" at the Annual Conference of American Academy of Religion in Baltimore from Nov. 22 to 26.

  • Professor of English and Creative Writing Doran Larson delivered a paper titled "From Witness to Archive: Prisoners Writing the American Gulag," at the Midwest Modern Language Association Conference that took place in Milwaukee, Wisc., Nov. 8-10.

  • Assistant Professor of History John Eldevik recently attended the California Medieval History Seminar, held Oct. 26 at the Huntington Library in San Marino, Calif, where participants discussed his draft article, "Saints, Pagans, and the Wonders of the East: The Medieval Imaginary and its Manuscript Contexts."

  • The first lecture of Professor Brent Rodriguez-Plate’s new course, Religion in the Wild, took place far from its home base in Root Hall.

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