  • Julia Ferguson ’16 is spending her summer learning the ins-and-outs of the broadcasting world in an internship that will continue into the fall at North Country Public Radio. Ferguson, a comparative literature major, is undertaking this internship through Hamilton’s Academic Semester in the Adirondacks, launching this academic year under General Director Janelle Schwartz.

  • In the age of eReaders and online libraries, the story of books gets lost. Not the story within the book, which is arguably more permanent, but rather the story contained on its faded pages, in its stretched spine, on its battered covers. Hamilton’s Burke Library has an impressive selection of rare books and other special collections; of particular note are the Ezra Pound Archive and the abundance of Adirondack-related acquisitions. Christian Goodwillie, director and curator of Special Collections and Archives, is currently cataloguing a recently procured collection: The John Quinn and Jeanne Robert Foster Library, a generous gift from Jim and Carol McCord.

  • A group of Hamilton Outing Club members led by Emma Reynolds and Madison Atterbury, both ’17, took to the Adirondacks for a sunrise hike of Cascade Mountain on May 1 and 2.

  • Visiting Assistant Professor of English and Creative Writing Janelle Schwartz ’97 and Director of Outdoor Leadership Andrew Jillings were invited to attend Adirondack Day on April 27 at the New York State Legislative Office Building in Albany, N.Y.

  • Although campus was empty, the Hamilton Outing Club was very active during Spring Break. Over the course of two weeks HOC trips visited far-flung places from Mt. Katahdin in Maine to the Smoky Mountains of North Carolina.

  • Hamilton College is launching a new domestic off-campus study program this fall with 10 students, a professor-in-residence, 50 local partners and a six-million-acre classroom.

  • Mark and Kristin Kimball, owners and operators of Essex Farm in the Adirondacks, will present a lecture titled “Food Ethics: A Farmer’s Perspective” on Tuesday, March 10, at 7:30 p.m., in the Taylor Science Center’s Kennedy Auditorium. The Kimballs’ lecture is free and open to the public.

  • A group of Hamilton students took advantage of beautiful weather and stellar snow conditions to tackle the 12-mile long Avalanche Pass Backcountry Ski Trail in the Adirondack High Peaks with the Hamilton Outing Club on Feb. 28. Complete with stunning backcountry views and exhilarating descents, the trail is an East Coast gem that holds a place on many skiers’ to-do lists.

  • A group of Hamilton students took advantage of clear blue skies and bright sunshine to snowshoe up Snowy Mountain in the Central Adirondacks on a trip run by the Hamilton Outing Club on  Jan 31.

  • A group of Hamilton students spent the last week of winter break in the Adirondack High Peaks taking part in the Hamilton Outing Club’s annual Winter Camping Seminar. Participants enjoyed camping, hiking and learning the fundamentals of living outdoors in subzero temperatures.


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