  • Visiting Professor of Art History Scott MacDonald was a presenter at “Technology and the Garden,” a symposium held May 6-7 at the Center for Landscape Studies at Dumbarton Oaks in Washington, D.C.

  • Visiting Professor of Film History Scott MacDonald was the lead programmer at this year’s Brakhage Symposium at the Brakhage Center of the University of Colorado in Boulder on March 11-13.

  • A feature article by Professor of Cinema and New Media Studies Scott MacDonald has been published in the Winter, 2010 issue of Film Quarterly. In “Avant-Doc: Eight Intersections” MacDonald reflects on links between documentary and avant-garde filmmaking traditions.

  • Professor of Cinema and New Media Studies Scott MacDonald participated in a Futures Seminar at the Zanvyl Krieger School of Arts and Sciences at Johns Hopkins University, on Nov. 18 and 19. He was one of three guests invited to the seminar.

  • The lineup for the fall F.I.L.M. (Forum for Images and Languages in Motion) series has been announced. Programs are scheduled for Sunday afternoons at 2 p.m. in the Bradford Auditorium in the Kirner-Johnson Building, with the exception of Diaries (1971-1976) which will be shown in two parts on Sunday, Oct. 31, and Monday, Nov. 1. All events are free and open to the public. Listed below are the programs in the fall 2010 series.

  • Long thought to be the most objective of artistic mediums, film is slowly being acknowledged as subjective, the camera impacting its subject matter like in any other art. In conjunction with an Emerson grant and advised by Visiting Professor of Art History Scott MacDonald, Cameron Breslin ’11 is analyzing early ethnographic documentaries to determine how accurately and objectively they portrayed their anthropological subject.

  • Visiting Professor of Film History Scott MacDonald Scott MacDonald presented two public screenings and a master class on the topic “Avant/Doc,” the historical/theoretical intersections of documentary film and avant-garde film, at UnionDocs, a nonprofit organization on Union Street in Brooklyn that nurtures young documentary filmmakers.

  • Scott MacDonald’s discussion of filmmaker Andrew Noren’s recent films, to be featured in a retrospective at the Museum of Modern Art later this month, appears in the current issue of Artforum. His interview with nature filmmakers Claude Nuridsany and Marie Pérennou (Microcosmos, Genesis) appears in the current issue of Natural History, published by the Museum of Natural History in New York.

  • Adventures of Perception; Cinema As Exploration, a new book by Visiting Professor of Film History Scott MacDonald, has just been published by the University of California Press. Adventures includes eight essays and eight interviews.

  • Scott MacDonald's interview with Peter Hutton was the lead feature article in the most recent issue of Esopus, a twice-yearly arts magazine featuring perspectives on contemporary culture from a wide range of creative professionals. The article introduced a photo-essay version of Hutton's film At Sea, which was shown at this semester's Nature/Place/Cinema symposium sponsored by Hamilton with Colgate University.


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