  • Tsion Tesfaye ’16 has been selected to present her Commitment to Action project “Youth for Ethiopia” in a skills building session at the 2016 Clinton Global Initiative University (CGI U) meeting that will be held April 1-3 at the University of California, Berkeley.

  • Sharif Shrestha ’17 is one of five students who will be recognized at the opening plenary session of the Clinton Global Initiative University (CGI U), April 1 through 3, at the University of California, Berkeley.

  • Seven Hamilton students have been selected to attend the Clinton Global Initiative University (CGI U) that will take place in April 1-3 at the University of California, Berkeley. Aleksandra Bogoevska ’17, Andy Chen ’16, Leonard Kilekwang ’16, Alexandru Hirsu ’17, Emily Moschowits ’16, Sharif Shrestha ’17 and Tsion Tesfaye ’16 will attend. Shrestha and Tesfaye were among four Hamilton students who participated in last year’s CGI U in Miami.

  • Hamilton’s Arthur Levitt Public Affairs Center is committed to addressing “persistent social problems in innovative, effective and ethical ways.” Tsion Tesfaye ’16 has taken that mission to heart and significantly engaged with the Center. Last summer she was chosen to participate in the Levitt Social Innovation Fellows program, through which she received funding for her pilot project, Youth for Ethiopia. That project led to her selection to participate in the Clinton Global Initiative University (CGI U) in March.  Now she’s seeking help to keep the program going.

  • Four Hamilton students who have created meaningful projects to address global problems through their work with the Levitt Public Affairs Center had the opportunity to share their ideas on a much larger stage when they were chosen to attend the Clinton Global Initiative University (CGI U) in Miami on March 6-8. Ryan Ong ’16, Sharif Shrestha ’17, Tsion Tesfaye ’16 and Jose Vazquez ’15  - all of whom are Levitt Social Innovation Fellows or Public Service Interns – were among 1000 college and university students selected to take part in the prestigious conference.

  • Three Hamilton students have been selected to attend the Clinton Global Initiative University (CGI U) that will take place in March 6-8 at the University of Miami, Florida. Ryan Ong  ’16, Sharif Shrestha ’17 and Jose Vazquez ’15  will attend CGI U along with Tsion Tsefaye ’16 who was chosen in November.

  • Officials at the Clinton Global Initiative University (CGI U) have recently selected Tsion Tesfaye ’16 to attend their annual meeting in recognition of her innovative project Youth for Ethiopia. It will take place in Miami in March.

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