  • May’s news highlights ranged from Russian President Putin’s future to the College’s Commencement. Links are provided, but some may require subscriptions to access content. Please contact Vige Barrie if you cannot open a link or do not have a subscription.

  • April’s news highlights ranged from commentary on the wars in Sudan and Ukraine to postwar African American music in France.

  • This collaboration will connect Hamilton’s Common Ground program and Bipartisan Policy Center’s (BPC) University Partnership Program to encourage civil discourse and bring bipartisanship outside the beltway through robust intellectual exchange. Hamilton is the first liberal arts college to partner with BPC.

  • Here are the first quarter’s national news coverage highlights. They include several essays co-authored by President Wippman, expert commentary on a variety of topics from the Federal Reserve to butterflies. and feature stories on counseling center, career center, and Levitt Center programs.

  • National and regional news organizations regularly interview Hamilton faculty, staff, and students for their expertise and perspectives on current events, and to feature programs and activities on campus. March’s news highlights ranged from commentary on the politics of China to Federal Reserve decisions.

  • February’s news highlights ranged from features on career connections and peer-counseling to immersive education and academic freedom.

  • January’s news highlights ranged from research on bay scallops to an essay on the importance of foreign language study. Links are provided, but some may require subscriptions to access content.

  • Visiting Professor of History Ty Seidule participated on two panels at the annual meeting of the American Historical Association Jan. 5 to 8. He presented “‘Making Treason Odious Again:’ Perspectives from the Naming Commission and the Army's War on the Lost Cause” and “History versus Heritage: Military Historians Confront America’s Contested Past.”

  • When media outlets feature faculty and staff discoveries and accomplishments, it helps strengthen Hamilton’s reputation as one of the top liberal arts colleges in the country. In 2022, nearly 4,800 articles, radio programs, and television shows featured Hamilton College.

  • Visiting Professor of History Ty Seidule discussed how his feelings about the Civil War have changed in a recent episode of “Story in the Public Square.”


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