  • During the course of the pandemic, Hamilton’s Counseling Center has had to quickly adapt to better meet the needs of students navigating social restrictions and a high-stress environment. We asked David Walden, director of counseling and psychological services, some questions related to all that. This is what he had to say, edited for length and clarity.

  • From a desert in Somaliland to a campus residence hall room, a cast of Hamilton students and alumni will perform a collection of Shakespeare’s sonnets this week in a production that explores the meaning of community during the pandemic that has altered life around the globe.

  • Communications Office student writer Melissa (Aurelie) Kaleka ’24 recently took part in a Musical Alchemy songwriting session with professional songwriter Anne Buckle, offered by the Counseling Center. Here, she talks about the experience.

  • With students on campus steadily acclimating to a mostly virtual social environment, the need for events that function to bring the community together has become more and more apparent. Club meetings, stargazing sessions, movie nights, and the like have all been arranged to help those on campus feel less like they’re missing out on the socialization opportunities of a typical year of college. One of the most successful of these organized events has been the Zoom Cook-Together series, otherwise known as “Quarantine Pantry.”

  • There is only one place that you could find a fashion runway, a flower crown display, and a coronavirus-themed collage all in one space — the Wellin Art Share.

  • It took some elaborate planning and extraordinary safety measures, but the Music Department hosted a porch concert featuring Hamilton musicians and members of the College Choir at the Babbitt Pavilion on Sept. 29.

  • Hamilton at Heart reached its goal of inspiring 3,517 donors to show their support with gifts totaling $1,696,681 on October 1.

  • Professor of Biology Herm Lehman discussed “The Fundamentals of COVID-19, Contact-Tracing, and Campus Safety” in a Zoom lecture on Sept. 16. He provided background information on the virus, before explaining the role of contact-tracing and detailing his work with Oneida County over the summer.

  • As a math major considering a graduate degree in applied mathematics, it didn’t take Summer Sheng '21 long to realize that a pandemic-based project would be relevant to the emerging crisis and to him personally.

  • President David Wippman co-authored an opinion piece published by The Hill on Sept. 6 titled Blame Shifting.


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