  • Although we have all faced the same pandemic and adapted to our own forms of isolation, we each have felt and experienced the past nine months in our own way. Debuted on Dec. 11, the visual, choral Twenty / Twenty project gives viewers a glimpse into both the individual and the collective, drawing from personal responses to COVID-19 in a collaborative and socially distant way.

  • How does a service internship program provide service during a pandemic? If you’re a COOP (Community Outreach and Opportunity Project) service intern you adjust, adapt, and take to Zoom. And then you expand programming to engage other Hamilton students eager to take on volunteering.

  • On Thanksgiving, Hamilton students share their gratitude with staff members who not only kept the campus clean and safe, but brightened their days and kept them fed during the first semester.

  • Resident Advisors (RAs) have a lot of responsibility, acting as peer counselors and leaders in the residence halls. But this year they added another task to their duties – serving as social directors during a time when COVID-19 restrictions limited gatherings and interaction among students. Hamilton RAs proved to be up to the task, planning and orchestrating a variety of programs for residents throughout the semester. For example, Desiree Pico’22, an RA in Minor, held a program called “Let’s Start from Scratch!”

  • See how Professor of Geosciences Barb Tewksbury revamped her classroom to accommodate students, both on-campus and remote.

  • Oh, the beloved comfy couch. A place to read, watch TV, check your social media … and take a college campus tour? At Hamilton, yes, thanks to a new Admission Office initiative called Tours From Your Sofa.

  • Medical professionals Kevin Graepel ’11, Christine Laine ’83, and Jack Syage ’76 shared perspectives on the development of vaccines for COVID-19 in a Zoom event on Nov. 10. The event was moderated by Dianne-Lee Ferguson ’22 and Alyssa Bonanno ’21, and attended by both students and alumni.

  • Communications office student writer Lucy Mixson ’24 recently took part in Spilled Ink, a student-led therapeutic writing session. In the following, she talks about the value of the experience.

  • During the course of the pandemic, Hamilton’s Counseling Center has had to quickly adapt to better meet the needs of students navigating social restrictions and a high-stress environment. We asked David Walden, director of counseling and psychological services, some questions related to all that. This is what he had to say, edited for length and clarity.

  • From a desert in Somaliland to a campus residence hall room, a cast of Hamilton students and alumni will perform a collection of Shakespeare’s sonnets this week in a production that explores the meaning of community during the pandemic that has altered life around the globe.

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