  • Professor of Music Lydia Hamessley recently presented a paper titled “Elizabethan Traces in Appalachia? How Critics (Mis)Understand Dolly Parton’s Songs and Voice” at the national meeting of the Society for American Music in Kansas City, Mo.

  • Professor of Music Lydia Hamessley presented a paper titled “Elizabethan Traces in Appalachia? How Critics (Mis)Understand Dolly Parton’s Songs and Voice,” at the national meeting of the American Musicological Society (AMS).

  • Professor of Music Lydia Hamessley recently participated in an online panel hosted by Turner Classic Movies (TCM).

  • As an Appalachian old-time banjo and fiddler, Jake Blount ’17 has just finished recording an EP with fellow fiddler Tatiana Hargreaves that will be released in June. This summer he will work on a full-length album with his band, the Moose Whisperers; in the winter, he and his band plan to tour Scandinavia.

  • Professor of Music Lydia Hamessley recently presented a talk at the New England Chapter Meeting of the American Musicological Society (AMS-NE) at Smith College.

  • Jake Blount ’17 just disproved the notion that practice makes perfect. Blount, a banjo player, put together an impromptu old-time string band, the Moose Whisperers, for a performance at the Appalachian String Band Festival (Clifftop) in West Virginia and took home first place.

  • A Hamilton student, alumnus and professor with a shared interest in the “Ithaca style” of music gathered this summer in North Carolina to enjoy their craft.

  • Jake Meserve Blount ’17 is spending his summer pursuing a fieldwork project under the advisement of Professor of Music Lydia Hamessley titled “Fiddles in the North Country: Uncovering the Ithaca Sound.” Blount’s research is funded through an Emerson Foundation Grant.

  • Professor of Music Lydia Hamessley presented a paper titled “‘Shattered Image’: Appalachian White-Trash Femininities in the Songs of Dolly Parton” at the annual meeting of the Society for American Music held March 5-9 in Lancaster, Pa.

  • Professor of Music Lydia Hamessley presented a paper titled “Elizabethan Music in 1930s America: Paul Green’s Symphonic Drama, The Lost Colony (1937)” at the annual meeting of the American Musicological Society held Nov. 7-10 in Pittsburgh, Pa.


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