  • Four Hamilton professors will debate the global refugee crisis in a panel discussion on Tuesday, Nov. 17, at 7 p.m., in the Red Pit, Kirner-Johnson Building. The panel is sponsored by the Government Department and is free and open to the public.

  • Professor of Economics Erol Balkan was co-editor of a book titled The Neoliberal Landscape and the Rise of Islamist Capital in Turkey, published this month by Berghahn. The book is volume 14 in the series Dislocations.

  • Hamilton students in the Program in New York opened their semester with a visit to Richard Bernstein Advisors, an investment advisory organization led by alumnus Rich Bernstein '80. The group traveled to Times Square, where they were met by program participant Katherine Gross '16, who is interning with Bernstein this semester. This semester's Hamilton program is being led by Professor of Economics Erol Balkan and the topic is Global Financial Networks.

  • The second Turkish edition of The Neoliberal Landscape and the Rise of Islamic Capital in Turkey, co-authored by Professor of Economics Erol Balkan, was recently published. Balkan’s co-authors were Nesecan Balkan and Ahmet Oncu.

  • The Turkish edition of The Neoliberal Landscape and the Rise of Islamic Capital in Turkey, co-authored by Professor of Economics Erol Balkan, was recently published by Yordam Books in Istanbul. Balkan’s co-authors were Nesecan Balkan and Ahmet Oncu.

  • Professor of Economics Erol Balkan presented a paper titled “Occupy Wall Street!” on July 7 in an international symposium at Yildiz Technical University, Besiktas in Istanbul, Turkey. The symposium, “Veblen, Capitalism and Possibilities for a Rational Economic Order,” focused on central features of Veblen’s thought.

  • Concurrent with the Middle East’s growing role in international politics, student interest in that part of the world has been expanding. In response to both, the faculty approved an interdisciplinary program and minor in Middle East and Islamic World Studies at its May 1 meeting.

  • Peter Tague ’88 delivered a talk to Professor Erol Balkan’s International Finance class on April 12 in KJ.  A lifetime investment banker, Tague was recently promoted to the position of global head of mergers and acquisitions (M&A) for Citigroup, and is also a vice chairman of the firm. Tague covered a myriad of topics for the class, ranging from the current crises in Greece and the greater Eurozone to how a typical M&A transaction works, and even attempted to answer the question, “Will China take over the world?”

  • As Hamilton’s trustees gathered this past week on the Hill for their meetings, two alumni took the opportunity to speak with a select group of students about career paths, life, and the state of the global economy. Rob Morris ’76 and Henry Bedford ’76 spoke to students in Professor Erol Balkan’s International Finance course on March 1 and 2, respectively, providing perspective on topics relevant to the class’s course material.

  • The students on Hamilton’s NYC program attended a lecture at NYU’s Stern School of Business, hosted by David Backus ’75, a professor of economics at Stern. The lecture covered topics from foreign exchange to the European crisis to the current fiscal problems facing the United States.

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