  • Associate Professor of East Asian Languages and Literatures Kyoko Omori has been awarded an $11,000 grant from the Japan Foundation for a project titled “Reconstructing and Creating a New Japanese Silent Film Experience: Benshi, Music and Film.”

  • Associate Professor of Japanese Kyoko Omori presented a paper, “Reinvesting Nuclear Capital: Hiroshima, Cinema, and Global Circulation of Witness,” at the American Comparative Literature Association Conference on March 22 at New York University.

  • Associate Professor of Japanese Kyoko Omori gave an invited talk at a symposium held at the University of Bonn on Nov. 30. The conference was titled “Film as Performing Art: Comparative History of Early Japanese and European Cinema.”

  • Associate Professor of Japanese Kyoko Omori was one of six invited presenters at the Kinema Club XII held at Yale University on April 13. In her paper, “Usher Unsilenced: Tokugawa Musei, Benshi Performance, and Modernist Adaptation,” Omori sought to shed light on the trans-mediatic underpinnings of Japanese popular modernism.

  • Associate Professor of Japanese Kyoko Omori gave a presentation at the Society for Cinema and Media Studies in Chicago on March 9. The talk, “A Radio Star is Born in Occupied Japan: the Role of the Allied Powers in the Creation of an Anti-Governmental Political Satire Program,” examined the politics of media stardom in Occupied Japan via the most popular radio star of the period, Miki Toriro.

  • Associate Professor of Japanese Kyoko Omori gave a presentation at the University of California, Berkeley, on Feb. 8. The talk, “Edgar Allan Poe (and Tell-)Tales of Transmediatic Modernism in Japan: Literature, Film, Translation, and Benshi Performance,” was part of an international conference, Media Histories Media Theories & East Asia.

  • Associate Professor of Japanese Kyoko Omori presented a paper titled “Analysis of Silent Cinema and Benshi Narration in Digital Humanities" at a meeting in Kyoto, Japan, on Nov. 18.  The conference was organized by the INKE group (Implementing New Knowledge Environments) in Canada, a major collaborative research initiatives program led by scholars at the forefront of computing in the humanities, text analysis, information studies, usability and interface design. It was hosted by Ritsumeikan University, Japan.

  • Associate Professor of Japanese Kyoko Omori authored the lead essay, titled "Mystery" (Misuteri), in the volume The Diversity of Occupation Period Literature (Senyo-ki bungaku no tamen-sei), published by Iwanami Shoten in Tokyo.

  • Four Hamilton faculty members have received awards to conduct research work during the summer. Associate Professor of Sociology Steve Ellingson and Associate Professor of Economics Julio Videras and were each awarded a Class of 1963 Faculty Fellowship. Assistant Professor of Biology Wei-Jen Chang and Assistant Professor of Japanese Kyoko Omori each received a Class of 1966 Career Development Award.

  • Eight Hamilton College faculty members were approved for tenure by the College's Board of Trustees during their recent meeting. The Board granted tenure to Heather Buchman (music), Jennifer Irons (sociology), Masaaki Kamiya (East Asian languages and literatures), Katherine Kuharic (art), Mike McCormick (biology), Tara McKee (psychology), Kyoko Omori (East Asian languages and literatures) and Sharon Werning Rivera (government).

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