  • Associate Professor of Japanese Kyoko Omori organized and produced a silent film screening that featured a six-person international ensemble at the Billy Wilder Theater at UCLA on April 14.

  • Six Hamilton students are spending their Spring Break in Kyoto, Japan, as part of a Japanese Studies class with Professor Kyoko Omori. The students spend their mornings taking Japanese lessons at Doshisha University and their afternoons visiting famous landmarks throughout Kyoto and Southern Japan. Linh Do ’18 provides the latest blog about the group’s time in Japan.

  • About 30 students from three classes recently went on a joint field trip to the George Eastman Museum in Rochester, N.Y.

  • Associate Professor of Japanese Kyoko Omori presented “Communicating Silents to an International Audience: Woman Benshi Sawato Midori” at the annual conference of the International Communication Association at Waseda University in Tokyo on June 8.

  • Associate Professor of Japanese Kyoko Omori gave an invited talk at the University of Pittsburgh on October 15. Her lecture, “The Voice of Silent Film: Benshi Performance in Context and in the Classroom,” focused on the figure of the benshi, or live silent film narrator, as a way to chart the shifting sensorium of modernity in early 20th century Japan.

  • Associate Professor of Japanese Kyoko Omori, gave an invited talk, “Usher Unsilenced: Benshi Performance, Modern Japanese Film Cultures, and Global Modernity,” at a symposium at Syracuse University on Sept. 13. The conference was titled “Japan Today: Interdisciplinary Symposium in Japanese Studies.”

  • “The Sound of Silent Film: A Two-Part Benshi Event,” the second 2014 F.I.L.M. Series program, offered a packed house a multi-faceted event featuring a unique musical collaboration between international artists from Japan, France and Canada on Sunday, Sept. 28. The audience, which included numerous local Utica community members, were treated to a world premiere of a Western-style composition with traditional Japanese instruments brought together for the purpose of accompanying Japanese silent movies.

  • Hamilton’s FILM series will host a Benshi Event featuring benshi Ichiro Kataoka, composer Gabriel Thibaudeau and musicians from Japan, Canada and France on Sunday, Sept. 28, at 2 p.m., in the Bradford Auditorium, KJ.

  • The fall 2014 F.I.L.M. (Forum on Image and Language in Motion) series opens with J. P. Sniadecki's presentation of his new film The Iron Ministry on Sunday, Sept. 21, at 2 p.m., in Bradford Auditorium in the Kirner-Johnson Building. The screening is free and open to the public.

  • With the exception of the 2011 French film The Artist, which won three Golden Globes and five Academy Awards, silent films have become a thing of the past. Yet there may still be lessons to learn from this antiquated art form. John Lyons ’16, an Asian studies major with a Japanese focus, was recruited by Associate Professor of East Asian Languages and Literatures Kyoko Omori to work on the DHi project, “Reconstructing Serpent.”

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