  • Hamilton students Ashley Chang ’10, Chelsea Stone ’10 and John Garrison ’10, along with 13 other students selected nationally, were awarded grants to participate in Associated Colleges in China (ACC) Field Studies program this summer. The program’s purpose was to help students who have previously studied abroad in a language-intensive program in China retain their high level of Chinese ability. It also aimed to help American students develop a better understanding of rural China and the China that is situated “outside of study-abroad programs.” For seniors Chang, Stone and Garrison, this seemed like a deal too good to be true. 

  • Professor of Chinese Hong Gang Jin published an article in a recent issue of Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association (JCLTA). The article, “Participatory Learning in Internet Web Technology: A Study of Three Web Tools in the Context of CFL Learning,” explores Chinese language learning and instruction within a technology-rich, collaborative and participatory learning environment.

  • Professor of Chinese Hong Gang Jin presented a paper and chaired a panel at the 9th International Conference of Chinese Scholars Association on Teaching Chinese as a Second Language in December. Her paper was titled "Task complexity and its effect on triggering negotiation of meaning" and the panel she chaired was on Second Language Research and Pedagogical Innovation. 

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