  • Professor of Chinese De Bao Xu was invited by Minzu University of China, Beijing, to give a talk on technology-based Chinese language teaching in July. The audience consisted of graduate students in Teaching Chinese as a Second Language at Minzu University’s College of Education.

  • Zhuoyi Wang, assistant professor of Chinese, recently presented a talk at the Asian Cultural Forum, held at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences in Beijing, China.

  • De Bao Xu, professor of Chinese, was invited to give a plenary speech at the 2010 International Conference on Chinese Education held at Heilongjiang University, Harbin, China, in July. The title of his talk was "Classics Reading and the Development of One's Power of Expression."

  • De Bao Xu, professor of Chinese, organized the 6th International Conference and Workshops on Technology and Chinese Language Teaching in the 21st Century (TCLT6) co-sponsored by Hamilton College and the Ohio State University and held at the Ohio State University June 12-14.

  • Professor of Chinese De Bao Xu gave the keynote speech at TCLT6, the 6th International Conference and Workshops on Technology and Chinese Language Teaching in the 21st Century, held at the Ohio State University on June 12-14. His talk was titled “Assessment of Participatory Learning Tools and Selection of Virtual Classroom Software (VCS).”

  • Hong Gang Jin, the William R. Kenan Professor of East Asian Languages and Literatures, published an article titled “Task Complexity and its Effects on Interaction & Production: An Experimental Study of Task-based Instruction” in the May issue of the Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association (JCLTA). The article presents the results of her study about “the effect of task complexity on language and interaction in a Chinese as a foreign language context.”

  • Jennifer Whitman ’10 has been awarded a Fulbright grant to China. Through her project, she will work with faculty at the University of Sichuan Law School in Chengdu, China, to examine Chinese legal aid for female migrant workers. The Fulbright U.S. Student Program offers fellowships for U.S. graduating college seniors, graduate students, young professionals and artists to study abroad for one academic year.

  • Hong Gang Jin, the William R. Kenan Professor of Chinese and director of the Associated Colleges in China (ACC) Program, has received a grant from the STARTALK organization in order to fund a two-week teacher development workshop at Hamilton College in July.

  • De Bao Xu, professor of Chinese, gave an invited talk on technology and foreign language teaching at a workshop for language teachers organized by SUNY Binghamton on March 19. His topic was "CALL Study and Technology-based Foreign Language Teaching." In his talk, Xu reviewed the historical development of Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) study, software, and the future of CALL study with the practice of technology-based foreign language teaching.

  • Professor of History Thomas Wilson presented a paper, "Sacrifice and Confucian Conceptions of Gods and Spirits," at a conference in Taipei, Taiwan. Fifteen scholars from China, Taiwan, Japan, Korea and the U.S. were invited to present papers at the International Conference on the Global Confucius: Sacrifice and the Confucius Temple, which was sponsored by the Taipei Municipal Government and the Taipei Confucius Temple Association.

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