  • Visitors to campus these days will be able to get a good sense of what the renovated Emerson Hall is going to look like when it's christened as the new student center in July. “We’re on schedule. A couple weeks of good weather have been huge,” said project manager Bill Huggins, associate director of Physical Plant (the Construction branch).

  • Congratulations to the Hamilton Club Ice Hockey team, that took home the Upstate New York Club Hockey League (UNYCHL) championship after a victory over Le Moyne College in Sage Rink on Saturday, Feb. 27. Hamilton, coached by Visiting Assistant Professor of Geosciences Robin Mattheus, beat Le Moyne 7-6 in overtime, clinching its first UNYCHL title.

  • Over the last 12 hours the Hill has been graced with the snow that’s been missing at the Vancouver Winter Olympics. As a result members of the Dean of Students Office took their lunch hour today to build two cheery snowpeople outside Elihu Root House. Now Dean of Students Nancy Thompson and her staff have thrown down the gauntlet and are challenging the entire campus to a Snowperson Building Contest. All offices and residence halls are invited to join and show their creative snow skills.

  • Hamilton's 10th annual winter carnival, FebFest, will take place on Feb. 13-20 on campus. In honor of the Winter Olympics, this year's theme is Walley Goes for Gold. Highlights will include “snoccer” and dodgeball tournaments, a fireworks display, a chili cook-off, and the Mr. Hamilton contest.

  • The Hamilton College Choir’s presentation of Rodgers and Hammerstein’s Carousel delighted Wellin Hall audiences on Feb. 5 through Feb 7.

  • Does America have an unhealthy obsession with beauty? Darryl Roberts thinks so. Roberts’ documentary, America the Beautiful, imagines the causes and social implications of the unrealistic physical ideals presented for women in the American media. On Feb. 3, Hamilton students had the privilege of attending a screening of America the Beautiful, which was followed by a Q&A session with the filmmaker himself.

  • Eleven Hamilton students and alumni convened in Manchester, Vt., on a backcountry Gnar Club trip over the winter break, Dec. 31 to Jan. 7. For those unfamiliar with the Hamilton Gnar Club, its club description explains that it is a “Grouping of sessioning and carousing fun makers often to be found in the hills, the forest, the park, or over the steps."

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