  • The 2012 Campus Life Open House was held Sept. 7 on the Sadove Student Center Terrace.

  • Considering that America is a melting pot of many cultures, shouldn’t a Thanksgiving dinner--the most literal translation of that melting pot--be more varied, with different foods representing those many different cultures? On November 16, the Hamilton Spirituality Initiative held a feast truly in the “spirit” of America: a Thanksgiving dinner in which people of all faiths contributed foodstuffs that were characteristic of their respective backgrounds and ideologies.

  • The Social Traditions Committee and the men’s hockey team joined forces to host a date auction on Nov. 30 with proceeds going to charity.

  • Local families can experience the magic of Harry Potter at the 10th annual Hogwarts at Hamilton, taking place on Friday and Saturday, Nov. 4 and 5, at Benedict Hall, home to Hamilton's Religious Studies Department.

  • The GNAR Club hosted a late night DJ competition bringing together the top DJs on campus on Oct. 7. In an atmosphere enhanced by a green laser, strobe light, electric candles, glow sticks and purple fluorescence, more than 200 students raved in the Events Barn to the live mixes of five Hamilton DJs.

  • The Friday Late Nite Programs hosted by Student Activities provide a great way to start the weekend, while offering an alcohol-free alternative for those students who wish to participate. According to David Eng, assistant director of student activities, a wide variety of programs have been held for at least two years. Casino Night, the Bollywood and Bhangra parties, Hamskate, and the Snow Ball were all organized thanks to the Late Nite Programs.

  • The Kirner-Johnson Building, typically a space designed for quiet study, was converted into an epic battle arena Saturday afternoon. While no blood was shed, the Hamilton students participating in “The Mp3 Experiment” cast off something much less tangible – their reserve. As the collection of students obeyed the orders of “Steve,” the omnipotent voice on their Mp3 devices, they demonstrated the capacity to let loose and be silly among friends and strangers.

  • There was a palpable tension in the air during a special mid-week Wednesday night Trivia Competition, as nine of Hamilton’s finest and most dedicated trivia teams took a trip to the Colgate Inn in Hamilton, N.Y., to match wits with Colgate students and faculty members.

  • Paul Lieberstein ’89, Toby Flenderson of NBC’s “The Office” visited Hamilton on April 16 for a sold-out lecture sponsored by the Campus Activities Board. During the afternoon Lieberstein took some time to talk with students from various Hamilton media organizations and toured the campus.

  • Local undergraduate and graduate students are invited to attend a conference, “Relationship 101: Finding True Love in Today’s World” on Saturday, April 10, from 10:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., in the Kirner–Johnson Building at Hamilton College. The conference goals are to revolutionize how people understand the role of sexuality in their personal lives and in society, to explain the many consequences of the “hook-up” culture and to teach what it means to have a healthy dating relationship.

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