  • Lawrence Chua, postdoctoral fellow in Asian Studies and visiting assistant professor of art history, spoke on the architecture of utopia and globalization with artists Julie Mehretu and Paul Pfeiffer at a salon in New York City on Oct. 28. It was organized by Art 21, the organization that produces the PBS television series, “Art in the 21st Century.”

  • Composer and pianist Jon Jang will present a series of lectures and a performance during an academic and artistic residency from Monday, Oct. 7, through Friday, Oct. 11. All events are free and open to the public.

  • Lawrence Chua, postdoctoral fellow in Asian Studies, recently presented a paper at the annual conference of the Society of Architectural Historians in Buffalo and at the Association of Asian Studies conference in San Diego.

  • The Tamagawa University Taiko (Drum) and Dance Group will give a workshop and performance on Wednesday, April 3, in Wellin Hall, Schambach Center for Music and the Performing Arts. The workshop will take place from 4 to 5:30 p.m. and the performance will follow at 7 p.m.  The workshop and performance are free and open to the public.

  • Luce Junior Professor of Asian Studies and Anthropology Chris Vasantkumar is the author of an essay titled "Unmade in China: Reassembling the Ethnic on the Gansu-Tibetan Frontier" that has just been published by Ethnos: Journal of Anthropology.

  • Luce Junior Professor of Asian Studies and Anthropology Chris Vasantkumar was an invited participant in a two-day workshop on "Himalayan Connections: Disciplines, Geographies, Trajectories" convened under the auspices of the Yale University Himalaya Initiative in New Haven on March 9-10.

  • Lawrence Chua, visiting assistant professor of art history, participated in several workshops recently. He presented from his ongoing research on leisure, race and nationalism in 20th-century Thai architecture at the Labour, Leisure, and Life Course from a Global Historical Perspective workshop at Humboldt University in Berlin, Feb. 13 to Feb. 15.

  • An essay by Luce Junior Professor of Asian Studies and Anthropology Chris Vasantkumar titled, “What Is This 'Chinese' in Overseas Chinese? Sojourn Work and the Place of China's Minority Nationalities in Extraterritorial Chinese-ness,” has been published in this month's issue of The Journal of Asian Studies (vol. 71, no. 2).

  • Hamilton’s highest awards for teaching were presented on May 4 to five faculty members. Ian Rosenstein, Christopher Vasantkumar, Andrew Dykstra, Heather Buchman and Patty Kloidt were honored at the Class & Charter Day ceremony.

  • Associate Professor of History Lisa Trivedi, and St. Lawrence University Professor of Philosophy Erin McCarthy, co-editors of ASIANetwork Exchange: a Journal of Asian Studies in the Liberal Arts, have published their first online issue of the journal. 


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