  • Jeffrey Immelt, chairman and CEO of General Electric Company (GE), told Hamilton’s Class of 2010 to be optimistic at its commencement ceremony on May 23. Acknowledging that we are in economically difficult times, Immelt emphasized the need for creative and independent thinkers and the importance of maintaining a spirit of reality-based optimism.

  • Dick Patrick '72 was named the recipient of the 2010 Women’s Basketball Coaches Association’s Mel Greenberg Media Award.  The award is granted to one who "has best displayed a commitment to women’s basketball and to advancing the role of the media in the women’s game" and who has had a "positive impact on the growth and national or regional exposure of the sport."  The winner must have participated in women’s basketball media for at least five years.

  • “In the early ‘70s, we had a deal where you could leave for January, as long as you convinced Dean Winton Tolles that it had some academic value,” explained Josh Simpson, a 1972 Hamilton graduate, to the audience at the Science Center Kennedy Auditorium. And so Simpson managed to do just that – and Tolles allowed him, as Simpson had requested, to practice glass blowing in Vermont for the duration of that month. Simpson, who is now a professional glass blower, remarked “It was the best thing that had ever happened to me.”

  • LOOK UP, four concurrent exhibitions featuring works by Hamilton College alumni, faculty and students will open in the Emerson Gallery at Hamilton on Monday, Jan. 18.

  • David Nathans '72 has been named the executive director of the Martha's Vineyard Museum. Nathans who was interm director of Hamiton's Emerson Gallery and has for many years served on Hamilton's Committee on the Visual Arts, was interviewed by the Martha's Vineyard Times. In the interview he said at the Martha's Vineyard Museum he will "challenge the curators to think about the collections in terms of themes that will reach out to broad groups of people. More people will be surprised and excited about what we have. Broader exhibitions will create awareness and greater credibility."

  • G. Jeremiah Ryan ’72, president of Bergen Community College, Paramus, N.J., has been elected to the executive board of the New Jersey Presidents' Council (NJPC). NJPC is a quorum of 50 college and university presidents, representing both public and private institutions, whose mission it is to make recommendations to state officials regarding nascent state programs, budgetary and student-aid matters, and New Jersey’s master plan for higher education. NJPC reviews state policies and promotes public awareness of various initiatives and issues relevant to higher education. The council convenes throughout the year.

  • Licensing consultant Michael Stone ’72 recently gave an interview to Newsweek online about the commercial legacy of Michael Jackson. Stone drew upon his experience as steward of the Andy Warhol trademark (he guided the Pope of Pop's eponymous Foundation for the Visual Arts to its now $240 million endowment) as he considered the fate of the Jackson imprint.

  • The Hamilton College Alumni Association in conjunction with U.S. Rep. (R-Delaware) Mike Castle '61 hosted a Washington Welcoming Celebration for Tom '72 and Christie K'72 Vilsack on Capitol Hill, on May 21. Tom Vilsack was appointed Secretary of Agriculture by President Obama earlier this year.

  • Hamilton students Katerina Adair '10, Katie Anderson '11, and Kenley Stark '11 visited glass artist Josh Simpson '72 at his studio in Shelburne Falls, Ma., this week. The students are working with Susanna White, the Emerson Gallery's associate director and curator, to organize an exhibition of Simpson's work.

  • Jennifer Morris K'72, the founder of LocalWatt and an experienced entrepreneur and organization leader, willl be recognized with a Hamilton Ventures Leadership Award at the United Nations on February 7. The award ceremony will take place during the first  Venture Symposium and Conference. 


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