  • Four Hamilton students were co-authors of a paper accepted for presentation at the ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing held May 7-12 in Vancouver, B.C.

  • Visiting Professor of Comparative Literature Julie-Françoise Kruidenier Tolliver '02 gave a paper at a colloquium held May 11-14 at Concordia University, in Montreal. The colloquium was titled Francophonies trans-océaniques: vertiges de la balkanisation, rêves de mondialisation.

  • Team "Al Hamithon" spent a rainy April Saturday morning painting healthy vegetable characters on the walls of the Nurse's Station at the Bruce Monroe Elementary School in Northwest Washington, D.C. during Greater Washington Cares Servathon 2011.

  • On March 30, the BBC World News America on PBS and BBC networks worldwide aired "The American Dream,"a three-minute segment about the family of Ron Kim '02 and their journey from South Korea to the United States.

  • Brenda Austin '02 has published a Chinese to English translation of the Cultural Revolution era play "The Red Lantern." The play, a Beijing opera, is included in The Columbia Anthology of Modern Chinese Drama, released by Columbia University Press. John B. Weinstein co-authored the translation. Xiaomei Chen edited the anthology, which is comprised of twenty-two Chinese plays published between 1919 and 2000.

  • Amanda Siepiola '02 is featured in the District of Columbia Public Schools (DCPS) 2010-2011 School Year Calendar. The calendar highlights 12 of the school district’s most effective and inspirational teachers with pictures and quotations each month. "Our teachers work hard every day to shape our children’s lives, build their dreams and create the foundation for the future of our city," said Mayor Adrian M. Fenty. "With this calendar, we honor our teachers and say 'thank you' for your dedication to our children."

  • Over the weekend of Oct. 2-3, the College 220 class, “The Cultural and Natural Histories of the Adirondacks,” explored several Adirondack natural sites, visited the historic John Brown’s cabin in North Elba, and took part in a seminar on paddler’s rights during an overnight visit to Camp Wenonah, owned by alumnus James Schoff, ’68.

  • Having received a grant for $458,900 from the Air Force Office of Scientific Research, Stuart Hirshfield, the Stephen Harper Kirner Chair of Computer Science, and Research Associate Leanne Hirshfield ’02 have begun studying the real-time, quantitative assessment of computer users’ mental states to enhance usability testing and to create adaptive computer systems. They are creating a state-of-the-art usability laboratory that allows them to make concurrent cognitive, physiological and behavioral user measurements.

  • Visiting Assistant Professor of French Julie-Françoise Kruidenier Tolliver's '02 article "Francophone Manifestos: On Solidarity in the French-Speaking World" was published in a special double-issue edition of the International Journal of Francophone Studies, focusing on current international trends in French-language literature.

  • Five students and three French faculty members spent the weekend of March 5-7 exploring Ottawa, the Canadian capital. The group was led by Visiting Assistant Professor of French Julie Kruidenier Tolliver '02, a native of the Ottawa region. The students and faculty experienced the distinctive character of a bilingual city situated at the juncture of anglophone Ontario and francophone Quebec.


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