  • Benjamin Haller, the Batten Associate Professor of Classics at Virginia Wesleyan College, will present a lecture on Thursday, Feb. 5, at 4:10 p.m., in the Kennedy Auditorium. Haller’s talk will deal with reflections of the figure of Iphigeneia, the poet Simonides, and classical models of architecture as mind in Chris Nolan’s film Inception (2010). The lecture is sponsored by the Classics department and is free and open to the public.

  • Visiting Professor of Art History Scott MacDonald delivered the annual Rajiv Vaidya Film Lecture on Dec. 7 at the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C. He spoke on the New York Film Society Cinema 16 and presented a program that demonstrated the programming strategy developed by Amos Vogel at Cinema 16 between 1947 and 1963 – a strategy that expanded the film culture of New York City and the nation.

  • Filmmaker and author Mick Conefrey will present his BBC documentary The Race for Everest and lead a discussion following the screening on Thursday, Nov. 13, at 7:30 p.m., in the Taylor Science Center’s Kennedy Auditorium. The event is free and open to the public.

  • Although France legalized gay marriage last year, LGBT individuals in the country still feel marginalized. One contributing factor to this is the portrayal of homosexuality in the media, the topic Asad Javed '15, film and French double major, is spending the summer studying. He is working on the independent Emerson project, En Rose - The Depiction and Reception of Homosexuality in French Cinema, with Professor of French Martine Guyot-Bender.

  • This summer Bennett Glace ’16, the recipient of an Emerson Grant, is examining ‘trash’ cinema with Visiting Professor of Art History Scott MacDonald in their project titled “Another Man’s Treasure: An Exploration of ‘Trash’ Cinema.”

  • House Divided, a feature film directed by Nicholas Geisler ’14, has been selected to appear at the Hoboken International Film Festival. The film, which makes its premiere at the festival, will be screened June 1 at the Paramount Theatre in Middletown, N.Y.

  • Hamilton will host a screening of the film Feeding Frenzy on Wednesday, April 16, at 4:15 p.m., in the Days-Massolo Center Living Room. The event is part of the Health[Care] Programming Film Series sponsored by the Days-Massolo Center, and is free and open to the public.

  • The Ruth and Elmer Wellin Museum of Art will host a screening of artist/photographer Alec Soth’s Somewhere to Disappear, on Thursday, April 3, 4:15 p.m. in the Overlook in the Wellin Museum. The screening is free and open to the public.

  • Step Up to the Plate, the final film in the Tournées Festival, will be shown on Sunday, March 2, at 4 p.m., in the Bradford Auditorium, Kirner-Johnson Building. The screening is free and open to everyone; suggested donations of $3. to the Kirkland Art Center are welcome.

  • The next film in the Tournées Festival is Berlin 1885: The Division of Africa on Sunday, Feb. 23, at 4 p.m., in the Kirner-Johnson Building’s Bradford Auditorium.


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