  • Junior biochemistry concentrator Ben Wesley received a Sigma Xi Grants-in-Aid of Research (GIAR) award for a proposal titled “Development of a Continuous Flow Reactor for Synthesis of Izidine Alkaloids.” Each year, several hundred to 1000 proposals are submitted to Sigma Xi to fund research-related expenses in many different areas of science.  The award program is highly competitive, and only about 15 percent of applications are funded.  

  • A group of 16 organic chemistry research students and their faculty mentors, Professors Ian Rosenstein, Max Majireck and Robin Kinnel, traveled to Colgate University to participate in the annual Summer Organic Research Symposium on July 1.

  • Although hundreds of students enroll in science courses every semester, doing summer research is “so much different than any lab class,” says Hannah Ferris ’16. Ferris, who is conducting organic synthesis methodology research under the auspices of Assistant Professor of Chemistry Max Majireck, is so fascinated by the project that she will be continuing her research with an independent study in the fall.

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