  • A May 17 American Public Media Marketplace broadcast titled “Why did inflation increase in April?” featured an interview with Ann Owen, the Henry Platt Bristol Professor of Economics. Responding to a U.S. Department of Labor report that the consumer price index or CPI rose in April, Owen pointed out that energy prices are increasing, although they still were not as high as they were a year ago.    

  • Greg Casey ’09, founder and first president of Hamilton Microfinance, met with current members of the organization when he visited campus in April. The students heard first-hand how Casey started the organization and how it has influenced his post-grad plans.

  • American Public Media’s Marketplace broadcast on March 10 began with an examination of the differences between our country’s Federal Reserve policies as compared with other nations. The first commentator in the segment, titled A Transatlantic Central Banking Policy Disparity, was Ann Owen, the Henry Platt Bristol Professor of Economics, who observed, “Europe has not recovered as well as the U.S. has from the crisis. European monetary policy needs to be more aggressive.”

  • A Dec. 22 American Public Media Marketplace broadcast titled “How 2 percent GDP growth looks in the real economy” featured an interview with Ann Owen, the Henry Platt Bristol Professor of Economics. Owen commented on the relatively small gross domestic product (GDP) growth rate, observing that typically, after a recession caused by a financial crisis, growth tends to be slow initially.

  • Ann Owen, the Henry Platt Bristol Professor of Economics, directed a national mentoring workshop for female economists last month in New Orleans. The workshop, sponsored by the American Economic Association, was designed for female economists working toward tenure at institutions that do not offer a Ph.D. in economics.

  • Prior to yesterday’s Federal Reserve’s announcement that there would be no immediate change in interest rates, Henry Platt Bristol Professor of Economics Ann Owen was interviewed by Reuters news service and American Public Media’s Marketplace on possible considerations. 

  • Ann Owen, the Henry Platt Bristol Professor of Economics, was featured on an Aug. 27 American Public Media Marketplace broadcast. In a segment titled “Just how strong are those fundamentals?”  Owen commented on the mix of data beyond gross domestic product that are significant in  determining the nation’s economic health.

  • Ann Owen, the Henry Platt Bristol Professor of Economics, was featured on a June 11  American Public Media Marketplace broadcast. Referencing U.S. Commerce Department figures that showed May retail sales were up 1.2 percent, Owen warned not to pay too much attention to monthly vacillations.

  • In an American Public Media Marketplace broadcast on Feb. 25, Ann Owen, the Henry Platt Bristol Professor of Economics, discussed what the Federal Reserve’s possible interest rate increases might mean for the average American. Owen said that raising rates could mean higher rates on auto loans, credit cards and adjustable-rate mortgages, though increases would likely be gradual.

  • Opinion pieces, letters to the editor, expert commentaries and studies, book reviews and special projects all contributed to Hamilton’s many appearances in the national media this year. From National Public Radio to The New York Times, USA Today and The Wall Street Journal, faculty and staff submissions and responses to media outlets made the college very visible.

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