  • Associate Professor of Government Sharon Rivera has been selected as a 2012-13 Fulbright U.S. Scholar to the Russian Federation. While in Russia on a teaching/research award, she will further her ongoing project on the demographic and professional composition of the Russian elite in collaboration with Russian scholars.

  • On October 26, the students of Associate Professor of Government Sharon Rivera’s “Politics of Russia” class participated in a teleconference with students from the Moscow State Institute of International Affairs (MGIMO), which is one of the most prestigious universities in the Russian Federation. The focus of the teleconference was the state of contemporary politics in Russia and in the United States.

  • Associate Professor of Government Sharon Werning Rivera and David W. Rivera, former lecturer in government, published an article titled “El'tsin, Putin, i Klinton: prezidentskoe liderstvo i rossiiskaya demokratiya v sravnitel'noi perspective” (“Yeltsin, Putin, and Clinton: Presidential Leadership and Russian Democratization in Comparative Perspective”) in the September 2010 edition of Mir i Politika (“The World and Politics”).

  • Associate Professor of Government Sharon Werning Rivera presented a paper titled “Trends in Elite Militarization under Putin” at the VIII World Congress of the International Council for Central and East European Studies (ICCEES) held July 26-31 in Stockholm.

  • Questions flew and tensions flared Wednesday evening in the Science Center’s Kennedy Auditorium as the students of Government 112 participated in the culmination of a semester of arduous effort. Under the guidance of Associate Professor of Government Sharon Rivera, students enrolled in the Comparative Politics courses realized the fruits of their labors as the “Simulated Election Campaign in the Country of West Europa” unfolded. The simulation’s debate was the finale of the semester-long project.

  • Associate Professor of Government Sharon Werning Rivera and Visiting Assistant Professor of Government David W. Rivera published “Improving Assessments of the Transformation of the Russian Elite” in Politicheskie issledovaniya [Political Research] in Sept. Politicheskie issledovaniya is the leading academic political science journal in the Russian Federation.

  • Eight Hamilton College faculty members were approved for tenure by the College's Board of Trustees during their recent meeting. The Board granted tenure to Heather Buchman (music), Jennifer Irons (sociology), Masaaki Kamiya (East Asian languages and literatures), Katherine Kuharic (art), Mike McCormick (biology), Tara McKee (psychology), Kyoko Omori (East Asian languages and literatures) and Sharon Werning Rivera (government).

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