  • Associate Professor of Government Sharon Werning Rivera and Visiting Assistant Professor of Government David W. Rivera recently published an article in the journal Problems of Post-Communism (2017).

  • Associate Professor of Government Sharon Werning Rivera presented a paper at the 48th Annual Convention of the Association for Slavic, East European & Eurasian Studies (ASEEES) in Washington, D.C., on Nov. 20.

  • Titled “Russian elites are more expansionist, militaristic, and anti-American than at any point since 1993,” an analysis published in the Washington Post’s blog, The Monkey Cage, by Associate Professor of Government Sharon Werning Rivera affirms the article’s title.  The July 22 piece was written by Rivera with students in her Levitt Research Group – James Bryan ’16, Emma Raynor ’18, and Hunter Sobczak ’17.

  • As one of the few surveys of Russian elites - perhaps the only publicly available survey -  conducted since Putin returned to the presidency in 2012, the newly released Hamilton College Levitt Poll, titled The Russian Elite 2016, represents a unique resource. Survey data on whether Russian elites support the more muscular foreign policy that has been pursued during Vladimir Putin’s third presidential term (2012-present) have been largely unavailable–until now. 

  • Associate Professor of Government Sharon Werning Rivera recently published an article titled “Is Russia Too Unique to Learn from Abroad? Elite Attitudes on Foreign Borrowing and the West, 1993-2012” in Sravnitel’naya politika (Comparative Politics).

  • Associate Professor of Government Sharon Werning Rivera recently published an article in a special issue of Demokratizatsiya honoring the life and career of Russian opposition leader Boris Nemtsov. A vocal critic of Vladimir Putin’s regime, Nemstov was shot and killed in 2015.

  • Associate Professor of Government Sharon Rivera and Lecturer in Government David Rivera were members of a panel that discussed “Russia, the West, and the War in Ukraine” on April 16 at the Center for European Studies at Syracuse University.

  • The age-old adage of “Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it” appears to be playing itself out yet again in Europe. From the return of “the German question,” to civil unrest in the former USSR, or the resurgence of political scapegoating and economic disarray, current conditions are raising concern from the global community. On April 2 the Government Department hosted a roundtable panel of four Hamilton faculty members to address key elements of the continent’s contemporary crisis.

  • Hamilton will host a faculty panel discussion, “Europe in Crisis,” on Thursday, April 2, at 7 p.m., in the Fillius Events Barn. The discussion is free and open to the public.

  • Associate Professor of Government Sharon Rivera taught a course at an international summer school on political linguistics sponsored by the Higher School of Economics in Nizhny Novgorod, Russia.  The summer school, “Language and Power: The Linguistics of Migration,” was an intensive research program for advanced undergraduates and graduate students from Russia, Austria and Ukraine.

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