  • Hamilton students take on unique projects that reflect their talents and interests. In many cases, they collaborate with faculty mentors on this work, which often leads to co-authored papers, joint presentations at professional conferences, and professors mentoring students during academic competitions. Check out what some of our students have been up to recently.

  • Communications and Marketing Office student intern Anna Richardson ’26 talks here about an unusual assignment in her Politics in Latin America class with Professor Heather Sullivan.

  • Research involving students and faculty over the last several months led to a comprehensive study being released on the scope of homelessness in the area and how the City of Utica could address it.

  • From Phoenix to Flagstaff, our caravan of three white vans trundled down interstates and bumpy dirt roads. Pulling off to the side, a stream of 34 people would rush out onto roadside outcrops, hand lenses strung around our necks and field notebooks in hand.

  • Professor of Philosophy Russell Marcus was an invited speaker at the Joint Mathematics Meeting (JMM) that took place recently in Boston, and several Mathematics faculty members and students presented research.

  • Three Hamilton environmental studies majors — Emily Benson ’23, Katie Tanner ’23, and Ellie Sangree ’24 — presented their research at the American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting in Chicago in December. The students were accompanied by Aaron Strong and Heather Kropp, assistant professors of environmental studies.

  • Silas D. Childs Professor in Chemistry Karen Brewer and Assistant Professor of Art History Arathi Menon are the most recent recipients of the fellowship that supports faculty interested in creating digitally focused assignments, expanding learning opportunities, and developing technology-enabled pedagogical strategies in any curricular area.

  • Following a summer spent conducting research in Oriskany Creek and working alongside their faculty mentor, two student researchers recently earned recognition for their work at the Geological Society of America's Annual Meeting.

  • The Levitt (Center) Law & Justice Lab, a program designed for students interested in synthesizing perspectives on public policy issues, just concluded a semester focused on exploring policies affecting homelessness in Utica, N.Y. The experience was led by Professors Frank Anechiarico (government), Herman Lehman (biology), Philip Bean (history), and Gwendolyn Dordick (government).

  • After two years of supporting virtual conference attendance, ROOTS — Hamilton’s Society for Students of Color in STEM — took 14 members to the Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minoritized Students (ABRCMS) in Anaheim, Calif. The trip, which took place from Nov. 8 to 12, came at no fee to students, thanks to funding from the Dean of Faculty’s Office and a grant from Howard Hughes Medical Institute.

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