  • “The motivations of the people actually involved in the Crusades are completely alien to us,” remarked Christopher Hill, visiting assistant professor of history, to the members of his audience on Thursday, Oct. 8. And perhaps that’s why the significance of a structured religious hierarchy – the guiding force of the Crusades – is frequently downplayed (or downright subverted) in current pop culture dramatizations. The Western attitudes toward religion and war have surely come a long way since the 13th century.

  • For the first installment in the Hamilton College Humanities Forum, Visiting Assistant Professor of History Christopher Hill will discuss “Taking the Cross out of the Crusades: Pop Culture’s Secular Transformation of High Medieval Piety,” on Thursday, Oct. 8, at 4:10 p.m. in the Science Center’s G041 classroom. The lecture is free and open to the public.


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