  • Jim Helmer, Oral Communication Center director, recently spent a week in Boston working with a nine-member management team from Keolis Commuter Services in preparation for a major oral presentation to the Massachusetts Bay Transit Authority (MBTA).

  • The September issue of CASE (Council for the Advancement and Support of Education)  CURRENTS magazine includes a feature article written by Director of Interactive Content Strategy Jess Krywosa titled “All in the Hamily.” Subtitled “The true story of what happens when a college stops being polite and protective of its campus’s quirks and starts getting real on social media: The Scroll,” the article provides an overview of this social media aggregator, its development, release and resulting community cultivation and interaction.

  • “A CLEAR VIEW - The Wellin Museum of Art creates a new model for the university museum," an eight-page article published in the September/October issue of Museum Magazine, offers a glowing review of the museum, its staff and its programming. An article that appeared in the August issue of Interior Design magazine, “Edifying Edifices - College museums can teach much more than art history,” also celebrated the Wellin Museum.

  • Director of Interactive Content Strategy Jess Krywosa presented “The Scroll: Hamilton College’s Social Media Strategy and Platform” on July 30 at the eduWeb Conference in Boston.

  • Director of Social Media Jess Krywosa discussed The Scroll at the State University of New York Council for University Advancement (SUNYCUAD) conference held June 5-7 in Melville, N.Y.

  • The National Geographic Daily News site published an article focused on research conducted by Geosciences Technician Dave Tewksbury on May 28. “Japan's Secret WWII Weapon: Balloon Bombs” described the Japanese plan to use balloon bombs propelled across the Pacific by jet stream currents to the United States. The story was an outgrowth of a poster Tewksbury presented at the annual Geological Society of America meeting in 2008.

  • The winners of the Beverly S. and Eugene M. Tobin Employee Awards were announced and employees celebrating significant anniversaries were recognized at Hamilton’s 29th annual employee service recognition luncheon on May 20 at Soper Commons.

  • Jim Helmer, Oral Communications Center coordinator, recently published a chapter in The Cambridge Companion to Horseracing and was interviewed for a Baltimore Sun article about commencement speakers

  • The College’s First Year Forward (FYF) program was the focus of an article published on May 13 in The Chronicle of Higher Education titled “'Little Tricks' Help Disadvantaged Students Plot Career Paths.” The New York Times also featured Hamilton in a Sunday, May 12, front-page article titled “On a College Waiting List? Sending Cookies Isn’t Going to Help.”

  • Christian Goodwillie, director and curator of Special Collections and Archives in Burke Library, recently published Writings of Shaker Apostates and Anti-Shakers, 1782–1850. The three-volume set was issued by Pickering and Chatto. It contains 38 separate texts.

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