  • Working as a digital media tutor on campus helped Joseph Dixon '18, a literature and neuroscience major, land an internship at a small agency in New York City.

  • This lightboard is an innovative teaching tool that allows for a more interactive experience for faculty members and their students. It was built by College carpenters in consultation with Director of Audiovisual Services Tim Hicks. The lightboard presentation is taped, and made available as a video as part of the classroom instruction.

  • Hannah Zucker ’15 and Professor of Biology Herm Lehman represented Hamilton at the 2016 Society for Neuroscience Conference. The meeting took place in San Diego in November.

  • Assistant Professor of Psychology Ravi Thiruchselvam recently published an article in Social, Cognitive, and Affective Neuroscience (SCAN). The article presented the results of a study conducted with Jessica Harper ’15 and Abigail Homer ’16.

  • ‘What is consciousness?’ The question has compelled Tyler Rhind ’18 to think about the relationship between the brain, behavior and awareness since taking courses in neuroscience and consciousness last year.

  • Alexander Baradari ’17, a neuroscience major, said that he wants to help improve the lives of individuals affected by debilitating diseases. This summer as a research intern, he is studying Multiple Sclerosis (MS) at the Rocco Ortenzio Neuroimaging Lab, part of the Select Medical Research Hospital in West Orange, N.J., in order to increase the understanding of the disease. His summer research advisor is Dr. Brian Yao.

  • This summer, Ben Mittman ’18 is working at the New England Center for Children (NECC), a private, non-profit organization that accepts children with the most severe symptoms of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Mittman works at the main educational facility with other teachers, focusing on caring for the students and teaching them information and essential life skills that will help them become more independent and better transition into the community after graduation. His internship is supported by the Hamilton College Internship Fund, managed by the Career Center.

  • Tatenda Chakoma ’18 is exploring a possible future in neuroscience as he interns at UCLA Medical School, Department of Neurology this summer. This internship is a summer program run by Hamilton alumnus Dr. Bruce Dobkin ’69. Each year he selects one Hamilton neuroscience student to do biomedical training and research at UCLA Neurology. Chakoma’s internship is supported by the Sandra Solomon Internship Fund, managed by the Career Center.

  • Some students enroll at Hamilton undecided as to their academic path; others know exactly what track they want to pursue. Olivia Surgent ’17 is in the latter group.  She’s been interested in neuroscience, specifically Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), since middle school when she began teaching swim lessons to children on the spectrum. This summer Surgent is advancing on that path as an intern at the Waisman Laboratory for Brain Imaging and Behavior in Madison, Wisc.  The center specializes in understanding neurological functions of children with developmental disorders such as ASD.  

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