  • On the eve of the 40th anniversary of Woodstock, Maurice Isserman, the James L. Ferguson Professor of History and Woodstock attendee, was interviewed by Minnesota Public Radio with Woodstock performer Richie Havens and longtime New York disc jockey Pete Fornatale. The Chronicle of Higher Education published Isserman’s essay, “3 Days of Peace and Music, 40 Years of Memory” on the same day, Aug. 10.

  • Fallen Giants - A History of Himalayan Mountaineering from the Age of Empire to the Age of Extremes by Maurice Isserman, the James L. Ferguson Professor of History, and University of Rochester Professor Stewart Weaver was reviewed in the July 17 issue of Commonweal, the independent journal of opinion edited and managed by lay Catholics.

  • "By all means; beg, buy or steal Fallen Giants," begins a recent review of Fallen Giants: A History of Himalayan Mountaineering from the Age of Empire to the Age of Extremes, co-authored by James L. Ferguson Professor of History Maurice Isserman and University of Rochester Professor of History Stewart Weaver.

  • On the eve of the 50th anniversary of the publishing of Michael Harrington's article "Our Fifty Million Poor" in Commentary magazine (a liberal journal of the time), James L. Ferguson Professor of History Maurice Isserman wrote an essay titled "Michael Harrington: Warrior on Poverty" about Harrington and his essay for The New York Times Sunday Book Review.

  • "Getting High on the Himalayas," a review of Fallen Giants: A History of Himalayan Mountaineering from the Age of Empire to the Age of Extremes published in The New York Review of Books, declared the book an "authentic history" and "a big book in every sense." The book  is co-authored by James L. Ferguson Professor of History Maurice Isserman and University of Rochester Professor of History Stewart Weaver.

  • Maurice Isserman, the James L. Ferguson Professor of History, penned an in-depth review of Che's Afterlife: The Legacy of an Image by Michael Casey in the June 10 issue of The Nation. In the article, titled "Afterimages," Isserman examines the life of Ernesto "Che" Guevara, the "Argentine-born Cuban revolutionary comandante turned itinerant guerrilla" and Casey's analysis of "the head-and-shoulders portrait of a bearded, longhaired, 31-year-old Che, wearing a bomber jacket and his trademark beret emblazoned with the comandante star."

  • An opinion piece written by the James L. Ferguson Professor of History Maurice Isserman titled "'Pro-life' killer destroys another human life" was published in the Sunday, June 7, edition of The Observer-Dispatch. He discussed the murder of Dr. George Tiller, a physician who performed abortions, by Scott Roeder, an anti-abortion activist.

  • Four members of the Hamilton faculty were recognized for their research and creative successes through the Dean’s Scholarly Achievement Awards at Class & Charter Day on Friday, May 8. The Awards were instituted in three categories by Dean of Faculty Joe Urgo in 2008.

  • "The face of America today is the face of Barack Obama, an epochal change, whatever happens in the next four or eight years of an Obama administration," said Maurice Isserman, James L. Ferguson Professor of History, in an article appearing in the Monday, Jan. 19, edition of the Atlanta Journal Constitution.

  • Maurice Isserman, James L. Ferguson Professor of History, will join Everest pioneer Tom Hornbein, author of Everest: The West Ridge, for a presentation on the history of Himalayan mountain climbing on Thursday, Jan. 8, at 7 p.m. at the Bradford Washburn American Mountaineering Museum in Golden, Colorado.

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